Answer the two DQ questions.

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PCN 540


Topic 4 DQ 1: When should you use qualitative methods when conducting counseling research? Provide at least two examples in your response as well as rationale.

Topic 4 DQ 2: What is the difference between clinical significance and statistical significance? How might these concepts be applied to program evaluation? Give an example of an instance in which you might be torn between two types of significance in the reported results of research. What are some other types of statistical evaluations that help to sort out the true significance of clinical research findings? Provide at least two scholarly references for your discussion and justifications.

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Explanation & Answer



Discussion Psychology
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1. When should you use qualitative methods when conducting counseling research?
Provide at least two examples in your response as well as rationale.
Qualitative research methods are used to collect and interpreting non-numerical data with
the sole intention of understanding the social life of a particular individual or a target population.
The approach applies a naturalist inquiry to explore the knowledge producing paradigm in
counseling. Qualitative research methods will be used when the data involved is not numerical,
and hypothesis needs to be generated (Bowers, Minichiello, & Plummer, 2007). While
quantitative research methods rely on existing knowledge, there is little that is known when
using qualitative research methods to collect and analyze counseling data. In fact, qualitative
research methods will be very viable for a situation where little is known regarding the
phenomenon or variables under study.
Qualitative research answers the “How” and “Why” questions using an in-depth
approach. On most occasions, the qualitative method to conducting counseling research is
usually applied to complement ...

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