Human Resource Planning

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Business Finance


Assignment 2: LASA 1—Human Resource Planning

Writing Assignment

Review Juanita’s World Parts 1-5, which are found in the Weeks 1 and 2 lectures, and write a 5-7 page paper. Pretend you are Juanita and develop a human resource plan to share with your boss. Develop a scenario which analyzes and summarizes the current situation for the employer. You are to create details that make this scenario more realistic and support your response to the issues and questions presented below.

Your paper should include the following:

  • Evaluate the cultural issues that need to be addressed
  • Analyze the ethical considerations that apply
  • Describe the organization’s current hiring needs and projected hiring needs for the coming year
  • Develop a recruitment plan for fulfilling the company’s current and future hiring needs
  • Explain the plan the company should follow to manage employee performance
  • Identify at least 4 laws or regulations that apply to the company. Explain the actions Juanita’s company has to take to ensure they are conforming to the requirements of these identified laws and regulations.
  • Provide a recommendation for the organization on how they can motivate employees while adhering to the legal and regulatory requirement and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

Write a 5 to 7-page paper in Word format. Use at least three resources to justify your responses. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work.

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Explanation & Answer



Human Resource Planning
Institutional Affiliation




Human resource planning is a process that is paramount in every organization. It is the
way of identifying the present and future human resource needs in the organization that needs to
be taken care of to ensure that the intended goals are attained. An organization can not involve
itself in strategic planning without putting into consideration the human resource. In this
company where Juanita is working as a human resource manager, there need for better
management of the human workforce. The burden rests on Juanita who is likely to influence her
boss toward better management of the workforce (Panagiotakopoulos, 2014). The company
could in the situation of lack of funds because the workforce is not exploited to the maximum.
By improving the condition of the workforce, Juanita needs to develop a human resource plan
and share it with her boss so that the workforce can be effective in their performance. This is
because Juanita’s authority is limited and only convincing the boss would bring a change. The
boss stresses on perfection so he is likely to embrace ideas that will help in achieving it.
The Cultural Issues That Needs to Be Addressed
The company should avoid collectivism in the workforce. Workers have different
capabilities, talents, knowledge, and skills. They also have different personalities and values. The
workers should be treated individually such that people with effort and competence are noted and
treated accordingly. They can be given the sensitive areas to operate on because the company is
certain that they will make it. When individuals are not competent or are less in any of the
requirement, they need an improvement done through methods such as motivation. Another
cultural issue to be considered is the power distance. The top management should not treat their
subjects in a proud way but in a friendly manner rather. Information and communication should



always connect the workers and the management officials. The workers need feedback from their
seniors and also motivation as an act of improving overall performance (Panagiotakopoulos,
2014). The power should not be a tool for misusing and exploiting the junior workers b...

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