develpoing website for villa booking

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this project is about developing website and software for home Booking in Sohar city. to developing the site and software we need to use different languages and methods and some technical point. - the requirements for each language are to give: 1. definition 2. brief explanation about the languages ( 15 line in words or have page) 3. advantage minimum 4 points 4. disadvantage minimum 4 points task1: points to explain as the above instruction : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C# HTML5 JavaScript asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) CSS3 Microsoft visual studio unified modeling language ( also add examples ) structured query language (SQL) my SQL database server task 2: explain about used case diagram ( use the same method as the attached 1 and 2 photo ) task 3: explain the steps to draw the use case (use the same method as the attached 3 photo ) -task 4: make conclusion: write summarized about language used and the useful of that website in home booking. and how will that help customers. * instructions: • • • • don't copy past or plagiarism > max of similarity 10% use citation for each paragraph you use user Harvard reference method for referencing please follow all the instructions exactly
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Developing Website for Villa Booking
The C# is a C++ and C hybrid used to improve web applications
productivity since it is an object-oriented language. It was developed by
Microsoft. C# makes solution development easier and faster especially for web
and COM+ services because of its capability for scalability and versioning
support, simplified type declaration, garbage collection, type-safety and other
features. However, critics of Microsoft have pointed Java and C# similarities. C#
syntax is easy to learn and simple though highly expressive. Anyone familiar with
Java, C++ or C will instantly recognize the C# curly-brace syntax. C# syntax
simplifies several C++ complexities and provides useful features which Java do
not provide such as direct memory access, lambda expression, delegates,
enumerations, and nullable value types. C# can support generic types and
methods, which increases type performance and safety, which enables definition
of custom iteration behavior by implementers for simple client code usage
(Hejlsberg, A., Torgersen, M., Wiltamuth, S. and Golde, P, 2010).
C# supports the polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation concepts
since the language are object-oriented. Class definitions encapsulate all the
methods and variables, including the entry point of application and the “main”
method (Hejlsberg, A., Torgersen, M., Wiltamuth, S. and Golde, P, 2010). A class
may implement any interface number or may inherit from one parent class
directly. The accidental redefinition is avoided through the override keyword of
the method that overrides a parent class virtual methods.




The programming language is object-oriented thus allows the creation of
reusable codes and modular, maintainable applications.

C# has automatic garbage collection to prevent the system from hanging
during execution.

C# has a strong memory backup useful in case of memory leak.

The program is easy to develop. Implementation of many functions is easy
due to the rich class libraries (Hejlsberg, A., Torgersen, M., Wiltamuth, S.
and Golde, P, 2010).


C# ties the user so much to Visual Studio because it has IMO.

There is overhead in the arithmetic overflow checking.

C# is not a favorable programming language for inexperienced developers.
When there is a mistake, an expert is required to find the cause since C#
has huge libraries that require an experienced developer.

New features are added every year thus even experienced developer need
to learn how to use them (Hejlsberg, A., Torgersen, M., Wiltamuth, S. and
Golde, P, 2010).

HTML5 is the new version of HTML language, with new behaviors,
attributes, and elements as well as a larger technologies set to allow the building
of applications and websites that are more powerful and diverse.HTML5 is the



latest HTML standard. Therefore, it is a markup language. It can run on various
devices especially those designed to consume minimal electricity such the tablets,
the smartphone, and laptops. HTML5 is best suited for presenting and structuring
the internet content. The language is therefore used in developing interactive
websites for many browsers and platforms (Lubbers, P., Albers, B., Salim, F. and
Pye, T, 2011). Therefore, if a developer targets the mobile users, then HTLM5 is
the best language for development of mobile application.
HTML5 has become the eLearning development forefront making its
demand to go up. The language is considered the recent version of Hypertext
Makeup Language which experts and professional eLearning experts can easily
deliver and publish the content to smartphones, iPhone, and iPad of the learner.
HTML5 does not require browser plugins hence it gives the user little restrictions
(Lubbers, P., Albers, B., Salim, F. and Pye, T, 2011). HTML5 is used by the top
100 websites in the world according to the recent statistics.

Browsers can be used to view the applications, and they can also be
deployed as local web as well.

Distribution and monetization channel can be used by mobile applications
the same way as native applications.

The frames of browsers and windows do not restrict applications hence
able to run in full-screen mode.



The language gives the user complete control of their screen space and
devices (Lubbers, P., Albers, B., ...

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