digital business

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"Digital Business" Please respond to the following:

  • Using your textbook and the article titled “Digital Business: Transformation, Disruption, Optimization, Integration, and Humanization”, located in the course shell provide three (3) reasons for whether you believe businesses of the future will employ more or less people. Next, predict three (3) potential economic challenges that new digital based businesses may encounter. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Suggest three (3) reasons why some jobs in your current business field (or one you are familiar with) will possibly become extinct in the next ten (10) years. Next, hypothesize two (2) jobs that may replace these jobs due to digital realities that are entering the workforce. In your opinion, state two (2) jobs you believe may remain relatively unaffected in the future. Justify your response.
  • Imagine you are creating a digital business, briefly state the specific business you are creating, the business plan you are planning to follow, your tentative plan to deliver a superior experience, and how you plan to remain competitive in the digital world. Next, predict two (2) potential problems you may encounter as you create you digital business; then, provide a solution for both of your potential problems. Lastly, propose two (2) ways your digital business will provide value to customers. Justify your response.

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Digital business
Question one

The business of the future will require fewer employees at the storefront location due to
various reason. Firstly, the businesses of the future will have fewer employees because of the
advanced technology (Kaufman). A good example is the use of sensors and robots which just
work as human beings. Those jobs will generally be replaced with the activities which fit our
present technological needs of the society. For instance, the Amazon Alexa device which is a
voice-activated personal assistant which can do everything from ordering products to even the
current temperature has replaced many employees in the company thus reducing their numbers.
Secondly, the business of the future will have fewer employees because of the low rates
of salaries. This will have resulted because of the availability and the rob...

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