success, happiness. how both impact one another.

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we were asked to complete a 4-5 pages of project description about our project. everything is explained in the file in the attachment section.

down below is the topic and the problem we are addressing and why we picked it.

Group Project Topic Area: Success and happiness: How both of them impact one another

What is your problem/controversy/issue/question you are going to address? Explain why you picked it.

Our problem is that sometimes people use happiness and success interchangeably. Quite often, people attribute how happy they are or how happy they feel or how happy they should feel. We chose this because we are individuals who are clearly preparing ourselves for the working world. So, if we can find a way to be successful, on our own terms and still balance out our happiness then that would be very efficient.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

UNIV 1141: Life on Earth: Happiness Spring 2018 Assignment 8 (group): Project Description Length: approximately 4-5 pages, double spaced Due: Tuesday March 6th (submit to Blackboard by the end of small group) OVERVIEW: For this assignment, you are to put together a project description in the form of a formal proposal for your project. The purpose of a proposal is to persuade an audience that a project is worthwhile and feasible. There is a good chance you will be asked to write a formal proposal sometime in the future, and this assignment gives you valuable experience writing these documents. Proposals are exceedingly common in business, public policy, education, public service, entertainment, and many other fields. If works needs to be done or changes made, there is likely to be a proposal somewhere in the process. Typically, funding is on the line, and the strength of your proposal determines whether or not you will receive the resources necessary to implement your idea. Consequently, it is important that proposals be: 1. Backed by Reliable Research—A successful proposal will bring together reliable research on the topic to explain both the need for the project (the problem) and its potential efficacy (why the proposed solution will work). 2. Detailed—The more specific you can be the more likely your audience will be willing to trust you with necessary resources. 3. Clear—Even if your idea is fantastic and well thought out, you are unlikely to win support if you can’t convey that idea to others. STRUCTURE: Your project description will have five distinct sections. Rather than write one continuous document, create a section heading for each part. Make sure to leave time to proofread your document carefully. Background (Research) Your background section supplies any information the reader needs to understand the problem, issue, controversy, or question that your group has chosen to focus on. Each of you has independently found and summarized 3 sources related to this topic for Assignment 5. Now, your job is to synthesize the information from these various sources so that you can present the current state of research on the topic to your audience in a coherent, organized, concise manner. What do we know about the issue so far? What remains unknown? Are there areas of disagreement among your sources? What might account for this disagreement? Your background section should discuss at least six different sources—providing evidence of their reliability as well as a summary of their findings—and should be written in clear, concise, academic prose. Think of this section as a mini research paper on the topic. Don’t forget to include proper parenthetical in-text citations for paraphrases and quotations taken from your source material. Solution In a short paragraph (2-3 sentences) state the goal of your project. What do you hope to achieve? It may be helpful to think of your Solution in two parts: a target audience and an outcome. First, decide who the target audience of your project is, i.e., who do you want to affect or reach? The community at the University of New Haven? Local high school students? Parents of children between the ages of 3 and 5? The more specific you can be about your target audience, the easier it will be to come up with second part of the objective: the outcome. The outcome states how you want to affect your target audience. For instance, do you want to educate your audience about an important aspect of your topic? Persuade them to change their behavior? Would you like to inspire them to act? Pathway to Solution (Materials and Timeline) Now that you have described your solution, you need to explain how you are going to go about making this come to fruition. Provide a detailed description of the work required in order to implement your group’s idea. This section should list the human and material resources you need to complete the project, as well as how these resources will be procured. Are there people you need to contact? Who are they and how can you secure their participation? Is there any technology required? Other supplies? Additionally, discuss any problems you foresee and explain how you propose to circumvent those possible pitfalls. The final part of this section should be a timeline laying out your anticipated schedule for completing the necessary work before the relevant due dates. Key dates: Spring Break - March 12 – 16 Poster Draft – April 10 Dry Run – April 12 Final Poster – April 19 Expo – April 24 Proposed Deliverable In this section you will provide a detailed description of the intended deliverable or product that you plan to offer as a part (or sometimes a whole) solution to the problem. What form the deliverable takes is up to you, and you should feel free to be creative. Past deliverables have included videos, PSAs, brochures, performances, lesson plans, proposals, demonstrations, etc. In addition to providing a detailed description of your project, you will also need to explain how the proposed deliverable will meet your objective based on what you know from your research. Works Cited Provide a works cited that includes an entry for each source mentioned in the proposal. Citations should be alphabetized, use hanging indent, and be in proper MLA style. Double check these entries against the examples provided on the Purdue OWL website ( Because this is a group assignment, only one student per group needs to submit the assignment to Blackboard.
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Happiness and Satisfaction in Life
The concepts of happiness and satisfaction in life have been at the center of incessant
debates since time immemorial. The increasing interest in happiness levels in the modern world
has also been a key concern for people who seek to find meaning in life through a clear
understanding of the relationship between happiness and satisfaction in life. Most people believe
in the information generated through research expeditions on the topic of happiness and
satisfaction in life (Roberts et al., 494). The main concern in this proposal is to establish the
influence of satisfaction levels on happiness and the extent to which the two aspects of life can
enhance wholesome life. The research proposal would also seek to determine the available
research material on the topic and carry out an analysis of the strong ideas fronted by other
researchers. It is a process of information search to execute a project geared at developing a new
line of structured information and knowledge concerning the dependencies between happiness and
general satisfaction in life.
The topic of satisfaction and happiness in life is a deep-rooted issue in the modern society
with everyone chasing the two attributes in different ways. The area has also seen numerous
research expeditions by professionals in the social science, psychology and medic...

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