Watch the video and answer the question about alien invasive species.

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Watch the video :and answer the question below:Based on the Video we watched in class: What is an IAS? Give at least five examples discussed in the video. What makes IAS successful? What damages can they cause? What are the methods to control them that are shown in the video? How does Biocontrol work and how can they go wrong? (Use the examples shown in the video) What successful methods were discussed in the video? Finally, summarize the video in your own words.

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Explanation & Answer

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What is an IAS? Give at least five examples discussed in the video.
An IAS stands for Invading Alien Species. These are new creatures of plant and animal
origin that are continuing to invade new places on Earth. The examples illustrated in the video
are water hyacinth, termites, frogs, fish, snails, crocodiles, snakes, etc.
What makes IAS successful?
The globalization of trade has contributed to the success of IAS due to easy movement of
the species across the globe. For instance, currently, ships, planes, and traffic carry millions of
alien species from one place to another, and this has enabled the easy ...

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