ESCI quiz

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De Anza College


Write an essay that reflects on the land use proposals activity we did in class. Make sure to address the

following: If it were up to you, and you alone, what would be the best use of the land in question? Feel

free to modify any of the proposals to suit your views or come up with a brand new proposal. Make sure

to provide the reasoning behind your choice. As with the first essay, note that your work should read like

an essay, not bullet points or just listing of answers to the guiding questions given above. The originality

of your essay will be checked by turnitin. You cannot submit a work you wrote previously or a work

written by someone else.

There is a minimum of 2 double spaced pages required for this assignment.

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ESCI 1 Quiz 4 _____________________________________________________________________________ Like with the previous quizzes, you are required to submit this assignment to canvas by the due date. Late assignments are penalized with 20% drop for each day late. Note that an assignment that’s late for three days or more will not be accepted by canvas. _____________________________________________________________________________ Write an essay that reflects on the land use proposals activity we did in class. Make sure to address the following: If it were up to you, and you alone, what would be the best use of the land in question? Feel free to modify any of the proposals to suit your views or come up with a brand new proposal. Make sure to provide the reasoning behind your choice. As with the first essay, note that your work should read like an essay, not bullet points or just listing of answers to the guiding questions given above. The originality of your essay will be checked by turnitin. You cannot submit a work you wrote previously or a work written by someone else. There is a minimum of 2 double spaced pages required for this assignment. Land Use Planning Group Activity Objectives: To engage students in a practical exercise in land use planning; to make the students aware of the positive and negative aspects of land use laws and local zoning ordinances. To make students practice their critical thinking skills using the scientific and environmental methods when evaluating different land use proposals. Time: Students will need the equivalent of 1 and a half class period of preparation. Inclass presentations and discussion will take at least another class period; Background: There are a wide variety of comprehensive plans for growth and development in the bay area communities. Increasingly the major issues facing citizens, collectively and individually, involve some aspect of land use, misuse, or development; these issues, and their resolution, will become more heated and divisive as our population increases and the amount of undeveloped land decreases. There are social, political, geological, environmental, economic, and even moral issues associated with the development or exploitation of almost any piece of land. Witness the furor, discussion, and behavior of local citizens over such issues as the siting of low level (or high level) nuclear waste repositories, the acquisition of land to expand a wildlife refuge area, and the collecting of minerals by amateurs using only hand tools in areas controlled by the United States Forest Service. All of these issues, and more, have resulted in arguments, strife, and even litigation. As voting citizens, you need to practice thinking critically about these issues and how best (if there is a best for all parties) to resolve them. Procedure: We will focus on the land at the eastern side of Dumbarton bridge, which is currently part of a wildlife refuge. Due to growing pollution and nauseating odor coming off the marshland, people using the bridge and the community living in that area are putting pressures to urge the city to do something and develop that land. You will work in groups for this activity. Each group will be assigned at random a land use proposal into which the land in question can be used. Your job as a group is to research the feasibility and the pros of your assigned proposal. You will be asked to write a formal proposal and to present your project in front of the class to convince us that your proposal is the best use for this piece of land. You will have the rest of today’s lecture time and this Wednesday to research your "proposed use" and develop a case as to why the land should be used in that particular fashion. For this activity, you will need to consult zoning ordinances, local studies, Critical Areas planning reports (available as public record on the internet), and other documents in the process of developing your case. The premise to be followed here is that the owner of the land (the city in this case) will see which group can convince them on the best land use plan. The land use options are listed below: (Your group will be assigned one, but your group is allowed to slightly modify the given proposal if you see it fit) 1) A group intends to purchase the land and build an amusement park for the tourists complete with a dirt bike race-course. 2) A sand and gravel company wishes to purchase the land and develop the large sand and gravel deposits underneath the top soil. They plan to install shaker screens and an aggregate mill on the site. They will employ up to 30 local people as workers for the next 15 years. 3) An out-of-town development company desperately wants to obtain the property and put in 65 subsidized housing units for low income families and the elderly. 4) A local dairy farmer, who wants to expand into truck gardening, wants the land to raise strawberries and raspberries. 5) A processor of waste oil from service stations wants the land to use as a trucking depot; he claims he will not install storage tanks or filtration units to house or process the oil. 6) A legal representative for a "near eastern religious group" wishes to purchase the land for his clients to use as a religious retreat. He says it will be used for training and meditative purposes. 7) A contractor wants the land to develop into house lots; each lot would be a minimum of 3 acres, could not be further subdivided EVER, and any house built on the lot would have to have a minimum of 3,500 feet of living space excluding the garage. 8) The local rod and gun club wants the land for a shooting range and meeting site. 9) Just leave the land the way it is right now. You need to research why your proposed land use is the best use of the land, and include critics or list of disadvantages of the other proposed uses. You will need to submit your finding in a form of a 2-page report and then prepare to give a presentation about it to the whole class. Your job is to defend your proposal and criticize the other proposals. You will be required to submit on what proposal were you and your group assigned to work on this Monday right after class. If you miss class, you will not be assigned to a group and will miss out on the credits associated to the whole activity. On Wednesday, each of you need to submit your group's proposal and your group's presentation outlines on turnitin. You will give your presentation next Monday. A) You will probably want to use the library and may want to talk to other people in the community about your development proposal. You are also welcome to use the Internet for your research. B) After doing your library work and Internet research, you will need to write a 2-page report that summarizes your finding. C) Prepare to give a concise and convincing (10 minutes) presentation detailing the reasons why your development plan is the best plan and why the other proposals are not ideal. This will be presented orally to the rest of the class. You may use charts, posters, graphs, or any other aids in presenting your case. Your presentation needs to be as factual yet as persuasive as possible. Please do not discuss your plan with other groups in the class in advance. D) Next Thursday, after all groups have given their presentations you will have the chance to make comments about other proposals, criticize and ask questions about the other groups' work. E) On Thursday, in addition to giving your presentation, you will also be asked to vote and reflect on the following: "Regardless of which development proposal you worked on, what do you feel is the best use of this property?" Explain your answer in a half page writing.
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Land Use Planning
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Land Use Planning
Land- use planning is the apportionment of a piece of land for diverged practices in a way
that there is equilibrium in social, environmental and economic values. The ultimate land use,
which is deemed best is the one that meets the needs of stakeholders while conserving the future
resources. Mostly, land use planning is exceedingly prioritized in public perception where crucial
decisions should be outlaid by the stakeholders. The need of involving effective land use
planning is to manage conflicts, tension and realize operative and proficient use of land and its
natural resources.
In this scenar...

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