fire drill

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internship child care provider

Central Texas College


Fire Drill

  • The purpose of this assignment is for you to draw from your experience in leading a professional workshop on child care center safety to lead the staff in conducting a fire drill at the center. You will plan, conduct, and report on the drill. As with all of our assignments in this class, please consider using your work here in your own professional career portfolio.
  • Planning the Fire Drill
  • Consult with the center director to determine an ideal time and day for the fire drill. Plan to conduct the fire drill on that day. Review fire drill policies and procedures with the center director before you conduct the fire drill.
  • Conducting the Fire Drill
  • Work with staff and children to conduct a fire drill according to safety standards and the standard protocol at the center.
  • Reporting on the Fire Drill
  • Prepare a 250-500 word report of the fire drill that answers the following questions:
  • To successfully complete the Fire Drill assignment:
  • Write and submit a 250-500 word report on the fire drill.
  • How did you plan for and conduct the fire drill?
  • What was it like to conduct a fire drill?
  • What parts of the fire drill do you think were successful and why?
  • What parts of the fire drill do you wish had been different and why?
  • What did you learn from conducting the fire drill?
  • Plan to conduct a fire drill. Consult the center director.
  • Work with center staff and children to conduct the fire drill.

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Fire Drill • • • The purpose of this assignment is for you to draw from your experience in leading a professional workshop on child care center safety to lead the staff in conducting a fire drill at the center. You will plan, conduct, and report on the drill. As with all of our assignments in this class, please consider using your work here in your own professional career portfolio. Planning the Fire Drill Consult with the center director to determine an ideal time and day for the fire drill. Plan to conduct the fire drill on that day. Review fire drill policies and procedures with the center director before you conduct the fire drill. Conducting the Fire Drill Work with staff and children to conduct a fire drill according to safety standards and the standard protocol at the center. Reporting on the Fire Drill Prepare a 250-500 word report of the fire drill that answers the following questions: • o How did you plan for and conduct the fire drill? o What was it like to conduct a fire drill? o What parts of the fire drill do you think were successful and why? o What parts of the fire drill do you wish had been different and why? o What did you learn from conducting the fire drill? To successfully complete the Fire Drill assignment: • o Plan to conduct a fire drill. Consult the center director. o Work with center staff and children to conduct the fire drill. Write and submit a 250-500 word report on the fire drill. • • • •
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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: FIRE DRILL


Fire Drill
Name of student
Name of tutor

Fire Drill


Fire accidents are very unpredictable and can happen at any time. Therefore, there is a
need for every organization to prepare fully for how they are going to do in case there is an afire
emergency. There is where the fire drills come in handy as it is the exercise of preparing oneself
for a fire emergency. In early childhood, it is more important as children require directions and
preparations. Failure to do so can cause a lot of confusion among children which can result in
devastating effects. Fire drills are done after acquiring permission and planning appropriately on
how the activity is going to happen.
The fire Drill evacuation plan
➢ It is important to know the whole structure of the school, from the stares, the best place
for assembling classroom structures and door sizes, and all possible routes.

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