2.03 analyzing effectiveness

User Generated




Analyze the effectiveness of advertisements based on the techniques used.

Complete the chart below by conducting an Internet search to locate advertisements. Use complete sentences for each of your responses.

The advertisements you choose may be written as documents, websites, video ads or audio/radio ads. Be sure to provide an Internet link to each of the advertisements you find.

Advertisement Chart
How does the ad use logos?How does the ad use pathos?How does the ad use ethos?Does the ad seem effective to you?
Explain your reasoning.
Your favorite
electronic device
Internet link to the advertisement
A vehicle you would
like to own someday
Internet link to the advertisement
A food or beverage
that seems healthy
Internet link to the advertisement
An amusement park or vacation destination you would like to visit
Internet link to the advertisement

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer




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Advertising techniques are tools that a company uses to attract the attention (Singh,
2015). Trigger the emotion and engage the minds and change the perceptions of the public. The
company can increase its sales by deploying the right kind of techniques (Maheshwari, Seth &
Gupta, 2014). The Huffington post on marketing the health food to children has applied some
advertising techniques. The Campbell’s Disney princess healthy kid’s soup uses interesting
characters like the Scooby-Doo and Princess; these characters will make the advertisement
memorable. The advertisement has also displayed the technique of demographic positioning,
where the advert is targeted to influence the children on eating the healthy food. The
advertisement also uses the technique of promising some specific benefits to the children; that is
avoiding the j...

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