Project 3 Written Argument Early Draft

User Generated




Your Project 3 Written Argument Early Draft should be an 800-1000 word draft that a) educates an audience of non-engaged stakeholders about the issue or topic; b) engages the audience by convincing them that they should care about this issue or topic; and c) empowers the audience to take action in some way.

This draft should include a thesis, major points, and evidence to support these points, including in-text citations from appropriate sources, and a Works Cited page.

Instructors will give extensive feedback on this draft.

Per the syllabus, late Early Drafts of projects will not be accepted after the assigned due date and time and cannot be made up, for any reason. This assignment locks after the assigned due date and time, and your instructor cannot unlock it for you.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Hello. I finished the paper early enough for you to check it. I think it is perfect. please contact me in case you need anything else. I would also appreciate a five star review from you please.


Project 3- Written Argument
Omar Alkhathami
Taylor Johnson




This paper seeks to address the topic of the visual rhetoric argument about the DACA and
Trump. The rhetoric strategies were used in the images the image employed the use of the three
most essential rhetorical strategies in communicating the message about the DREAMers as well
as their title as DACA on the Trump’s position on the DACA. The information is based on the
plan of Donald Trump to end DACA back in September 2017. The program was helping many
children of the immigrants who had been disadvantaged for a very long time.
Recipients of the program were termed dreamers, and through the program, they can
request consideration for differed action for two years which was subject to renewal. The
announcement by President Trump to dismantle DACA was faced with a lot of criticism because
currently the program co...

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