Supreme Court case

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A well executed 3-page paper should not have more than five (or less than four) paragraphs. In a five-

paragraph essay, framework sentences provide the basic structure for the essay. Here is an outline of the

framework sentences:

1. The first sentence in the first paragraph is your topic sentence.

2. The last sentence in the first paragraph is your thesis sentence. The essay’s main idea (argument) is

given in the thesis statement (sentence) at the end of the introduction paragraph.

3. The first sentence in the first body paragraph. Repeat a key supporting idea from your thesis statement.

4. The first sentence in the second body paragraph. Repeat a key supporting idea from your thesis


5. The first sentence in the third body paragraph. Repeat a key supporting idea from your thesis


6. The first sentence in the conclusion usually summarizes or restates your the

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Explanation & Answer

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District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
One of the most complicated and unresolved issues that have face United States
for many years is the legality of firearms. One incidence that shows the complexity of
the situation of owning a handgun is in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. It all
started when Miller, a police officer who wanted a license to keep a handgun at home but
it was denied. After the presentation of the case to the local court, the case was dismissed.
However, the case was forwarded to the supreme court of United States which judged the
court in favor of Miller and ended up overturning the rules of Washington DC. The issue
of firearms has been in the history of United States (Anderson, 547). While there are
people who support the legality of owning a firearm, there are also many Americans that
fell like there should be restricted. However, despite many people opposing the laws of
having a firearm and the many injuries and death associated with guns, the second
amendment has never changed the right to own gun law. The essay’s main idea is to
show why the right to own a gun has never been changed in the case of case District of
Columbia v. Heller (2008).
The first part of the court ruling was based on the second amendment that
specifically says that a person has a right to have a gun whether they are militia or ...

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