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Just a reminder that we will not have class on Wednesday, March 14th. Here is what you will need to do for the next class; you will need to begin drafting your introduction paragraph for your Unit 2 essay. You will need to draft a summary of your article; make sure that the summary offers nothing but the facts and assumes a neutral tone. Then you will need to draft a thesis about your article. First, you will need to decide if the author's rhetorical strategies are mostly convincing or unconvincing. You need to take a stance. Then select between 4-5 rhetorical strategies that will help you support your selected stance. Then you will need to produce a thesis statement regarding those rhetorical strategies, explaining why those specific strategies are convincing or unconvincing. Be sure that you use the handout regarding the "Structure of a Rhetorical Essay" as a guide when drafting.

2 pages

this is the article


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Explanation & Answer

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Article Summary
Tobacco and marijuana are drugs which just like any other drug they cause harm to its
user's body hence both should be banned. A drug is any substance which is taken by
individuals for non-medicinal purposes. An individual may take a drug or drugs for reasons
such as, to reduce stress, sadness for instance (Edward n.p.). All drugs should be prohibited
worldwide to ensure drug-free nations which will lead to increased productivity within a
country since many individuals will be able to work. Individuals who use drugs may at a
particular time become unproductive once those drugs have affected them entirely such as
cancer for tobacco users. Marijuana possession should not be permitted in any country as it
also affects users’ health negatively. Government bodies should officially ban drugs and
ensure that all the citizens adhere to the law hence enabling a no drug country. Prohibition of
smoking will lead to reduced numbers of adults who are the role models of the young
generation thus, allowing less smoking by peers.
Tobacco consumption has effects such as; lung cancer, chronic bronchitis whereby, in
the user's lungs, there is permanent inflammation which affects the lining of breathing tubes.
Also, smoking leads to destructions of air sacs in one’s lungs and for people with asthma, it
can cause an attack and may even make that attack worse. Tobacco should be prohibited
entirely even in bars. We find that in those bars there are those people who do not smoke
hence, once another person has smoked, they will too be affected health wise as they will be
passive smokers (Edward n.p.). Passive smokers are much more affected since they take in
unfiltered smoke. Thus, it will be unfair if smoking will be allowed in bars.

The Author’s rhetorical strategies are convincing. The author’s rhetorical strategies
are convincing because there is no sense for localities to ban smoking tobacco and permit
marijuana possession. Both tobacco and marijuana are harmful to human body hence both
should be banned.
My stand is that I support the author. Deaths resulting from smoking affects the
friends, parents, and children of a loved one greatly. For example, if the deceased was the
sole breadwinner in that family, the family is likely to face challenges such as lack of food,
clothing or quality education. Minimizing adult smoking may also eliminate role models who
lead children to smoke as the young ones are likely to follow the footsteps of their elderly.
Rhetorical strategies selected involves; logos or appeal to reason, ethos or ethical
appeal and pathos or emotional appeal. Logos relies on logic whereby, either inductive or
deductive reasoning may be used. In this case, I will use deductive reasoning. Smoking leads
to deterioration of one’s health especially respiratory system; thus, it should be banned with
immediate effect to ensure a healthy and productive nation. Ethos rhetorical strategy is based
on the behaviour, credibility, and reliability of the writer (Edward n.p.). I am interested in this
topic because it allows me to learn more about smoking and also gain knowledge which will
enable me in creating awareness to others on the negative effects of smoking to an individual
and the society. In pathos, I would urge all the users, and for those planning to start smoking
to stop as smoking kills, cancer has no cure and death has no mercy. Finally, smoking
practices and their effects have no logical fallacies as smoking causes cancer and other lung
diseases and kills.

Work cited
Edward L. Glaeser. "Should Cities Ban Smoking in Public Places?" Economix Blog,
11 Nov. 2008, economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/11/should-cities-ban-smoking-inpublic-places/.


Surname 1

Ban on smoking in public areas
This is a paper that gives a commentary and argument on the topic of smoking in public
places. The topic to be reviewed and argued on is whether cities should ban smoking in public
areas. Essays use writing strategies, such as ethos, pathos and logos. These strategies help ...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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