Investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art.

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Research Project Over the course of the semester you will be investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art. This project should answer a particular research question and not merely be a biography of a selected artist or overview of a theme. The final paper should be eight pages (double- spaced, 12pt font, 1" margins) and make use of primary and secondary sources. The assignment will be broken into a research proposal, annotated bibliography, outline and draft, mini-presentation, and final version.



Note: Could you please give me a proposal about this essay before tmr noon. This proposal just include several sentences. Thank you!!

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Research Project Over the course of the semester you will be investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art. This project should answer a particular research question and not merely be a biography of a selected artist or overview of a theme. The final paper should be eight pages (double- spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins) and make use of primary and secondary sources. The assignment will be broken into a research proposal, annotated bibliography, outline and draft, mini-presentation, and final version. Research Project Over the course of the semester you will be investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art. This project should answer a particular research question and not merely be a biography of a selected artist or overview of a theme. The final paper should be eight pages (double- spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins) and make use of primary and secondary sources. The assignment will be broken into a research proposal, annotated bibliography, outline and draft, mini-presentation, and final version.
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Explanation & Answer


Literature Review
The review of literature followed an annotated bibliography to develop the various
ways in which post-modernity has changed the presentation of art.
William Pope.L: The Will to Exhaust. Retrieved from
The article presents William Pope as a contemporary artist that uses various
techniques to represent America as an exhausted nation. The artist has crawled for long
distances one of them them being the Tompkins square Crawl in which he intended to crawl
under the scorching sun while carrying a bunch of flowers. Despite the fact that a police
officer halted his presentation, William was able to present America uniquely. Each of his
crawling sessions lasted for as long as he could withstand the hostility of the environment.
Occurrences triggered his performances in the background including a group presentation that
took place in the year 2002. The artwork includes sixty-five volunteers that took part in the
hauling of a track over a ten miles distance to represent the devastation of America after
Hurricane Katrina.
Chinese artist in suit made from raw meat (video). Retrieved from
Presentation of contemporary art continues to evolve in the society. The article
represents a unique representation of art by a Chinese artist Zhang Huan. The artist is well
known for drawing his motivation from the surrounding environment. In his piece ‘My New
York,’ he wears a costume that is designed from fresh meat that gives him a hulk-like
appearance. The audience is thrilled by this presentation, and they are seen cheering and
taking photographs of the artist. In addition to the costume, Zhang Hu also symbolically

releases a white dove. His unique presentation represents his view of New York and their
animosity while the white dove represents merely the Buddhism tradition.
Jones, A. (1998). Body art/performing the subject. University of Minnesota Press.
The article represents the various ways in which presentation of contemporary art has
evolved. Jones (1998), depicts two contemporary artists and techniques that use to present
their artistic work. Schneemann and Kusama are both women, and they have chosen a unique
way of showing their art using their bodies. Although they represent different ideas, they both
present their bodies in their original forms to pass information. While bodily engagement in
art is a historical phenomenon, Kusama and Schneemann represent a society that is rotten, and
their work would have faced a lot of criticism in the traditional community.Nevertheless, their
self-exposure and presentation of themselves as the object is an explicit representation of the
shifts in the conception of art that have taken place over the last few decades.

Research Outline and Draft
1. Problem statement
2. Definition of terms related to art
3. Theoretical framework
4. Research methodology

Research design


Data collection tools

5. Ethical considerations
6. Hypothesis
7. Literature review
8. Limitations of the study
9. Relevance of the study
1. Background of study

Impact of postmodernism on contemporary art
a. Technological changes in the presentation of art
b. Impact of contemporary art on the society


Important contributions to the development of contemporary art

2. Data presentation and analysis

Analyzing the results of the questionnaires


Development of graphs and charts


1. Analytical summary
2. Restatement of the thesis statement
3. Recommendations
Problem Statement
Modernity has brought significant changes in the presentation of art in today’s society.
Most of the modern art did not depend on technology but on the artist’s ability to view the
world in a different perspective. Despite the fact that artwork put aside the societal culture for
experimentation, most of the content did not deviate from culture. The influences of
westernization brought about technology that has changed everything in the art so that it has
become digital. The traditional artists used only paint and cement in their work while
contemporary artists rely on soft wares that enable them to present art in various forms.
Interestingly, everybody with the technological know-how can be a contemporary artist. The
problem at hand is that the changes in technology have led to the development of new
techniques of presenting art, some of which have led to social issues. These are issues that
reflect the society’s view of personal behavior. Examples include education, employment,
public and private issues. Artists have used unique methods of presenting their literature in the
contemporary society. Some of these methods are obscene and do not consider the societal
values. For instance, it is not difficult to find an artist presenting themselves naked in front of
an audience that cheers in appreciation. Some movements are advocating for the legalization
of nudity in the society today such that it will not be a big deal to see individuals handling
obscene material. One of the recent victories in art is the winning of Mapplethorpe in his case
against obscenity. The artist is well renowned for his presentation of art in obscene ways that
promoted nudity among men and women. The court rulin...

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