Unit 4 Individual Project

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You are a captain on a fire department and recently tested applicants for your volunteer force. Twenty of the 35 applicants passed the written and physical agility test. Ten of the remaining 20 satisfactorily completed the oral board interview. All evaluative processes were conducted in the same manner (i.e., written and physical agility tests were exactly the same for all applicants, and the oral board questions were identical for all applicants). A background check on all remaining applicants revealed that one person had an arrest for theft in the last 3 years. The disposition showed that a plea to a lesser offense was entered and the applicant just recently came off of a 6-month probation. This applicant was denied entry into the department as a volunteer.

You received notification that the applicant with the theft charge filed an EEOC complaint against the department citing that he felt he was denied due to his Hispanic background. Your fire chief has asked you to provide a report of your evaluation of this applicant and identify whether there were any possible discriminatory practices.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Although you were involved in the testing process, you are unaware of whether any of the allegations made by the applicant are truthful. It is extremely important to address these issues from a serious and professional standpoint.
  • Address the following in 600–800 words:
    • How would you respond to this claim?
      • What would be your initial reaction? Why?
    • Briefly summarize what constitutes racial profiling from a legal standpoint, and identify any actions the department may have taken that could have resulted in such a claim.
    • What steps would you take to investigate this claim?
      • Where would you begin the investigation? Why?
      • Who would you be able to interrogate? Department staff? The applicant in question? Other recruit applicants? Explain.
  • Based on what you have learned about employment and labor relations laws, do you believe this was a discriminatory incident? Why or why not?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Task 2

As a student in emergency management, it is imperative that you not only understand the academic aspects of the field; you must also have the capacity to apply the academic material in a practical manner. You should consistently use local resources such as newspapers, local news reports, Web sites, and other governmental and private-sector communication mediums to ensure that you have a thorough, practical understanding of the hazards facing individual communities.

This understanding will help you better understand and ally the academic material, which in turn will not only make you a more successful student but will also aid in your chosen professional endeavors.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Choose a city or county in the United States, and write a 1,000 word essay that fully explains 5 significant hazards (natural or technical) associated with the city or county.
    • Provide a brief description of the chosen city, town, or county.
      • Describe the population, infrastructure, and any previous hazards (if applicable).
    • Select and list your hazards.
      • Describe the causes and effects of each of your selected hazards.
      • What strategies would most effectively mitigate each hazard that you have outlined?
  • Ensure that you appropriately cite all sources using APA format and list all sources on a bibliography.

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Explanation & Answer

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Task 1

Claims of discrimination during recruitment can lead to complicated liabilities which
may include but not limited to punitive damages which are enforced to punish the involved
organization. Response to such claims usually requires knowledge of applicable laws and
regulations. Accordingly, the initial reaction would be to involve legal counsel that is
experienced in handling discriminatory complaints at the workplace (Lindemann et al., 2012).
The selected counsel is essential in providing the organization with guidance concerning
compliance with legal regulations. It is also useful in the providing the company with advice on
early resolution if possible. The legal counsel is helpful in assisting the company to take the
necessary steps that seek to ensure that attorney-client privilege protects any communication
with various stakeholders like the executive and recruitment staff. The interaction with the legal
counsel should be limited to involved parties only.
Racial profiling may result in multiple potential problems, especially for organizations.
Several organizations have undergone costly litigation due to civil rights concerns. Despite
trying to avoid discrimination, in some cases, the recruitment staff may rely on stereotypes or
previous actions of an individual. Racial profiling has been described as the discriminatory
practice where an organization or recruitment staff as in our case, targets a person with criminal
suspicions based on their race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion (Ullmann & Zott, 2013).
Although racial profiling of an individual is not considered fair by law, some organizations may
find it essential to identify any potential criminal activity that may affect them. Creating racial
profiles may lead to generalization of specific groups of people rather than specific individual
behavior (Hahn, 2011).



Various actions may result in discrimination claims during the recruitment process. Some
of the actions that may have resulted in such discriminatory claims may include the exclusion of
some of the recruits from consideration by ignoring some of their skills (Gleeson, 2017). The
language used in the job and may have been discriminatory. Some of the phrases or at...

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