Columbia Southern Building and Leading Teams Healthcare Article Critique

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Health Medical

Columbia Southern University


Unit IV Article Critique

Locate and review the article “Building and Leading Teams” by using the Academic Search Complete database in the CSU

Online Library.

Kumar, S., Deshmukh, V., & Adhish, V. S. (2014). Building and leading teams. Indian Journal Of Community Medicine,

39(4), 208–213.

This article discusses ideas for leaders on effective management of their healthcare team. After reading the article, briefly

summarize the purpose for the article, and answer the questions below.

What is the authors’ main point?

Who is the authors’ intended audience?

Do the authors’ arguments support their main point?

What evidence supports the main point?

How does the author view the role that communication plays in teambuilding and productivity?

Your critique should then focus on the questions below.

What is your opinion of the article? Do you agree with the authors’ findings? Why, or why not?

What evidence, from the textbook or additional sources, supports your opinion?

Your critique should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at

least three outside sources, one of which may be the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and

quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.C

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Explanation & Answer



Standards of Healthcare: Article Critique




Standards of Healthcare: Article Critique
Main Point
The main point that is discussed by the author is he discusses the importance of
teamwork in the healthcare setting. Some of the advantages that it brings include improved
performance by the personnel, with teamwork they are able to provide better services to the
patients in terms of quality of care, safety, it reduces stress on the team since they reduce
workload, and it helps meet the shortages that are rife in the industry (Kumar et al. 2014).
Teamwork also fosters collaborative approaches in the care of patients, especially when dealing
with chronic ailments that may require palliative care from different professionals. The team
approach in the healthcare setting precisely in nursing takes the form of staff members being
under the leadership of a professional head nurse and are in turn assigned duties attending to
group patients (Kumar et al. 2014). The article also focuses team dynamics; it looks at how the
teams can be developed, and strategies for ensuring that they meet their objectives. The other
important factor that is considered is maintaining their efficiency through motivation (Kumar et
al. 2014).
Target Audience
There are various stakeholders that are targeted by the said article; they include
individuals and groups...

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