ECO 4451 International Trade Research Paper

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The Paper is very Important, No Plagiarism.Please write on the basis of what I give you file.(at least 1500 words,no less than 1300)the detailed rubric is in the file.

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Title of Paper Written by G.P. Manish Abstract Text of abstract. No more than 150 words. Optional. The point of an abstract is to briefly summarize the main points of your research paper. Introduction Text of introduction. Section 1 (title your choice) Text of section 1. Section 2 (title your choice) Text of section 2. Section 3 (title your choice – you have use as many or as few sections as you see fit) Text of section 3. Conclusion Text of conclusion. No more than 250 words. Required. Works Cited (aka bibliography – in this example, I use MLA format) Matarrita-Cascante, David. "Beyond Growth: Reaching Tourism-Led Development." Annals of Tourism Research 37.4 (2010): 1141-63. Print. Kreider, Brent. “Optimal Wage Taxation When Human Capital and Employment are Endogenous.” Economic Inquiry 46.4 (2008): 660-674. Print. Use as many works cited as needed. ECO 4451 International Trade Research Paper Instructions:  The text of your paper (not including bibliography) must be approximately 1500 words – absolutely no less than 1300 words.  You must include a bibliography. Use either MLA or APA format. o MLA: o APA:  You must include at least two refereed journal articles within your citations.  You must use third-person format. (No “I” or “you”)  No title page, no table of contents  Abstract optional (if you choose to include an abstract, it should be no longer than 150 words)  Times New Roman, size 12 font (title can be larger)  Standard margins  Double-spaced Rubric: Content Length (at least 1500 words) Use of two refereed journals, cited within text and bibliography Proper MLA or APA citations used within text and bibliography Correct formatting (See “Sample Format for Research Paper) 70 points 10 points 10 points 5 points 5 points I will take off 10 points for each day the paper is past due. I will be using Turnitin. If I detect any hint of plagiarism, you will receive a 0%.
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The position of developing countries in the international trade
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The position of developing countries in the international trade
Trade is an important stimulator of economic development of a county (Reyes, 2012).
Through trade countries exchange products, money and technological know-how. Therefore, a
country gets income, particularly foreign exchange, which it, in turn, uses to finance local
infrastructure and provide citizens with essential services. As noted by Reyes (2012), most
developing countries invest more in military and war equipment at the expense of technological
innovation. Therefore, it is through international trade that the developing countries can get
skilled manpower and technology they require to build sophisticated infrastructure, secure
electronic elections, and health equipment as well as machines for mass production and war
In this era of globalization and technological advancements, there are great deals of
opportunities that developing countries can exploit so as to engage international trade with
developed countries. Besides just connecting the social aspects of the world, Reyes (2012)
opined that globalization has also increased the interconnectivity of the economic transactions,
for instance through easing communication and mobility of financial resources. Through the
internet, customers are able to place orders from international suppliers, sign contracts, make
payments and have the goods delivered online at the comfort of their home or companies. Take
for example Microsoft Company, its software and keys are downloadable upon payment of
money and accepting of software agreements. Developing countries like Nigeria who are
flourishing in movie making industry too can take advantage of the internet to secure the market
and deliver movies online without spending much money on distribution.
Owing to the importance of international trade and the trend in glob...

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