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After completing some research on the legalization of drugs, take a position for against legalization and provide adequate support for your position. See the file attached below for specific details and grading criteria.

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ECO202 – Microeconomics Unit 3 Assignment: The Living Wage Due: Sunday by 11:59 pm at the end of Unit 3. Should drugs be legalized? Legalization of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin often provokes intense disagreement among citizens as well as policymakers. Because legalization would create a market for these drugs, economists can provide helpful commentary based on consumer choice and demand. To read about the current debate visit: Support for legalization does not divide easily along traditional political viewpoints. For a conservative group’s argument see the Cato Institute at: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) discusses the issue at: By contrast, the US Department of Justice argues against legalization at: For additional discussion by mainstream economists see: Brookings Institution (a private research group) National Bureau of Economic Research, “Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use Respond to Price Changes” Your final product will be a paper that:    Addresses the question above in total. Is APA fortatted. The body is to be 2 pages minimum. The requirements for your assignment are: 1. Answer this question fully. 2. Define the overall subject for the question. 3. Cite at least three (3) resources from this week’s materials. Students: Be sure to read the criteria and review the grading rubric on the next page, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Unit 3 Assignment CRITERIA Overview of the Topic Deficient 0-13 Points Does not provide an adequate overview or is missing. 0-11 Points Question unanswered and/or poorly answered. 0-5 Points References to Course Materials Less than 3 references, no assimilation to the questions. Complet e Answers APA Format Writing Quality 0-1 Point Format has errors that impede professional presentation; and/or APA not followed, reference page missing. 0-1 Point More than 7 writing errors, to include spelling and punctuation. Proficient 14-27 Points Overview is presented, though may not be clear or complete. 12-23 Points Question answered with 12 sentence inputs. 6-10 Points 3 references, minimal assimilation to the questions. 2-3 Points APA format and reference page has few errors that do not impede professional presentation. 2-3 Points More than 4 writing errors, to include spelling and punctuation. Exemplary Point s Earne d 28-40 Points Overview is clearly presented including all criteria outlined above. 24-35 Points Question answered with depth and clarity. 11-15 Points 4 or more references and assimilations show depth and clarity. 4-5 Points APA format and reference page is clear, professional, and error free. 4-5 Points No writing errors. Total 10 0
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Non Legalization of Drugs
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According to the Drug Legalization (1996), the notion that legalization would motivate
to a prompt and exciting increment in drug use is acknowledged to be so self-evident as to justify
no additional thought. Secondly, the advocates for legalization of the drug that the fight against
drug has not been won and it are indisputable. The proponents of legalization of drugs have
argued that many who have tried drugs have not had serious consequences. Some of them are
just out to make the profit. The truth is that legalization of drugs would do more damage than
prohibition. It would make matters more complicated in an already devastating situation. The
legalization advocates assert the United States has dissipated billions of dollars in the anti-drug
Opinion against Drug Legalization
Having the informed opinion...

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