Milestone Two: Draft of Data Security and Integrity Recommendations

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Computer Science


For Milestone Two, draft the data security and integrity section of your final project report (Prompt I, Section II).

Offer recommendations and information to the organization regarding security measures that should be taken and strategies that should be used to monitor client activity on their system.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document.

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Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For your final project, you will provide recommendations to a given organization looking to expand their client/server system. You have been hired by the company as a consultant and are asked to make recommendations regarding their expansion. For Milestone Two, you will offer recommendations and information to the organization regarding security measures that should be taken and strategies that should be used to monitor client activity on their system. Prompt: Recommend measures that should be taken to mitigate common security vulnerabilities. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Data Security and Integrity: In this section, you will offer recommendations and information to the organization regarding security measures that should be taken and strategies that should be used to monitor client activity on their system. A. Describe common security vulnerabilities for both client-side applications and server-side databases that the organization should be aware of. B. Recommend strategies the organization should implement regarding data encryption that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities. C. Recommend authentication and authorization procedures that the organization should implement that would mitigate common security vulnerabilities. D. Recommend data validation measures on client-side applications and server-side databases that will ensure integrity of organizational data. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of data and security recommendations must be 2 to 3 typed pages in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Data Security and Integrity: Common Security Vulnerabilities Describes common security vulnerabilities for both client-side applications and server-side databases that the organization should be aware of Needs Improvement (70%) Describes common security vulnerabilities for both client-side applications and server-side databases that the organization should be aware of, but description is cursory or illogical Not Evident (0%) Value Does not describe common security vulnerabilities for both client-side applications and server-side databases that the organization should be aware of 23 Data Security and Integrity: Data Encryption Recommends strategies the organization could implement regarding data encryption that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities Recommends strategies the organization could implement regarding data encryption that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities, but recommendations are cursory or illogical Does not recommend strategies the organization could implement regarding data encryption that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities 23 Data Security and Integrity: Authentication and Authorization Recommends authentication and authorization procedures that the organization could implement that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities Recommends authentication and authorization procedures that the organization could implement that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities, but recommendations are cursory or illogical Does not recommend authentication and authorization procedures that the organization could implement that would help mitigate common security vulnerabilities 23 Data Security and Integrity: Data Validation Measures Recommends proper controls on clientside applications and server-side databases that will ensure the integrity of organizational data Recommends proper controls on clientside applications and server-side databases that will ensure the integrity of organizational data, but recommendations are cursory or illogical Does not recommend proper controls on client-side applications and server-side databases that will ensure the integrity of organizational data 23 Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 8 Articulation of Response Total 100%
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