Criminal Justice The Extreme Right Wing Attacks Essay

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In your paper, you are to summarize the extreme right-wing attacks in Norway that were at first thought to be that of Islamists. 

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Explanation & Answer



The Extreme Right-Wing Attacks

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The Extreme Right-Wing Attacks
In the history of Norway, July 22, 2011, marked one of the most savage domestic
terror experiences witnessed in the country. In Oslo, a powerful blow-up inside a van rocked
the government offices, leaving eight people dead and causing extreme property damage.
Within a few hours after the van bomb explosion, a mass shooting incident at a Workers'
Youth League (AUF) summer camp at Utoya led to the loss of 69 lives. Norwegian
government alleged Islamist extremists had executed the attack, but the investigation revealed
that Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing extremist, was responsible for the attacks. The
attacks remain a case study showcasing how extremist beliefs contribute to insecurity,
irrespective of political and religious affiliation.
The Bomb Attack On Oslo
The Oslo explosion as one of Anders Behring Breivik's two attacks within the Prime
Minister's office compound at around 3:26 p.m. led to massive loss of lives and damaged
buildings that hosted government offices (Bangstad, 2016). This explosion would have
caused more casualties if it had happened when most Norwegians were not on vacation.
Since it was towards the end of July, many Norwegians had taken their 'common holiday,'
implying that the offices around the attack area were almost empty.
A police determination showed that a van bomb caused the explosion. Bangstad
(2016) reveals that the police officials likened the attack to that of Oklahoma City in 1995.
The Norwegian military marked downtown Oslo a crime scene with fea...

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