ESCI 1 Quiz 5

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De Anza College


For quiz

# 5

, Please summarize and provide critiques to the Strange Days on Planet Earth video



. The video can be found in youtube with the following link

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ESCI 1 Quiz 5 _____________________________________________________________________________ Like with the previous quizzes, you are required to submit this assignment to canvas by the due date. Late assignments are penalized with 20% drop for each day late. Note that an assignment that’s late for three days or more will not be accepted by canvas. _____________________________________________________________________________ For quiz # 5, Please summarize and provide critiques to the Strange Days on Planet Earth video: Invaders. The video can be found in youtube with the following link There is a minimum of 2 double spaced pages required for this assignment.
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Strange Days on the Planet Earth
Student name:
Instructor’s name:
Strange Days on the Planet Earth is a film that portrays scientists who are on the quest of
finding the truth behind various aspects and happenings on the planet. The scientists are in the
race of solving many mysteries that have not been answered, they have tried to connect events all
over the world and explain why each one of them correlates to the other. “Invaders” is the first
part of the film stating that the earth has been invaded by alien species of plants and animals.
According to the scientists, the aliens h...

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