Individual- and Team-Level Change
Continue with the organization that you discussed in the first two weeks.
For the first paragraph of your post, summarize some of the key information about your organization, the change you are discussing, and one or two key points you have discovered thus far in your work. This section should be no more than 5–6 sentences and should be just enough to remind your readers of your scenario.
For the second paragraph(s) of your post, consider the changes undertaken at your organization and whether they happened at the individual or the team level.
If the changes happened at the individual level, address the following:
- Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build communication skill, to enhance time management skill, etc.).
- Describe the intervention used for the change (e.g., coaching, self-awareness, etc.).
- Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know that it was successful?
- If there wasn’t a specific intervention used, reflect on how well the change was implemented. For example, if there was just an announcement that going forward XYZ would occur, was the change enthusiastically made by all individuals?
- On the basis of your readings, analyze what kind of support for the intervention would have made it more successful.
If the change was undertaken at the team level, address the following:
- Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build the team, to increase motivation, etc.).
- Describe what type of intervention was used (e.g., a specific team building exercise, a specific seminar, etc.).
- Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know it was successful?
- If there wasn’t a specific intervention, discuss how the change was made. How did people respond to the change and change process?
- On the basis of your readings, analyze what intervention you would have recommended.
The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.
Provide a substantive (500- 1,000-word) initial discussion posting addressing each of the components in the discussion question. Justify your answers with research, examples, and reasoning. Comment on the initial postings of at least two peers. At a minimum, your responses to other initial posts must be 100 to 200 words each.
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Explanation & Answer
Running head: CHANGE
Institutional affiliation
The Asher Group is a housing association specializing in the housing industry. Changes within
an organization and industry are inevitable, and that is why a few years ago the Asher group’s
top management identified the need to improve housing services to match the increased
competition in the industry. The competition was triggered the specific needs of the clients such
as lowering the cost of rents so that they are within affordable margins, modern structures and
offering repair services to houses belonging to the senior citizens. What really necessitated the
change was the loss of clients over the years which had a negative impact on the Asher Group.
What I have discovered so far is that feedback is an essential asset to a firm and feedback
analysis is a skill that every leader needs to have to deal with problems that trigger change within
the firm.
Part of improving the quality of services that Asher Group offered the clients involved evaluating
the feedback loop as a way of enhancing performance across the different levels of management
within the firm. As a way of improving the quality of services at Asher Group, I realized that
communication was critical to the business. Being in the housing industry means that our contact
people are our employees and they collect a lot of information, and they can decide to hold the
information until it rots like a toma...