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Individual- and Team-Level Change

Continue with the organization that you discussed in the first two weeks.

For the first paragraph of your post, summarize some of the key information about your organization, the change you are discussing, and one or two key points you have discovered thus far in your work. This section should be no more than 5–6 sentences and should be just enough to remind your readers of your scenario.

For the second paragraph(s) of your post, consider the changes undertaken at your organization and whether they happened at the individual or the team level.

If the changes happened at the individual level, address the following:

  • Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build communication skill, to enhance time management skill, etc.).
  • Describe the intervention used for the change (e.g., coaching, self-awareness, etc.).
  • Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know that it was successful?
  • If there wasn’t a specific intervention used, reflect on how well the change was implemented. For example, if there was just an announcement that going forward XYZ would occur, was the change enthusiastically made by all individuals?
  • On the basis of your readings, analyze what kind of support for the intervention would have made it more successful.

If the change was undertaken at the team level, address the following:

  • Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build the team, to increase motivation, etc.).
  • Describe what type of intervention was used (e.g., a specific team building exercise, a specific seminar, etc.).
  • Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know it was successful?
  • If there wasn’t a specific intervention, discuss how the change was made. How did people respond to the change and change process?
  • On the basis of your readings, analyze what intervention you would have recommended.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Provide a substantive (500- 1,000-word) initial discussion posting addressing each of the components in the discussion question. Justify your answers with research, examples, and reasoning. Comment on the initial postings of at least two peers. At a minimum, your responses to other initial posts must be 100 to 200 words each.

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Organizational Development and Change Management Organizational change is a significant step for any organization. The process of organizational change is where an organization tries to optimize its performance while striving towards achieving its ideal state. A change in an organization is important since there is the ever-changing economic environment, responding to the current crisis, or as a leader’s idea. For the past five years, the Asher Group Organization underwent a major organizational change. As the chief executive of this housing association firm, I had to carry out the already laid down change platform. This organization concentrated on delivering its services as per its original promise. It was founded to help enhance residential houses to a modern standard. The acting board by then identified a need to develop the strategy of service delivery. In the meanwhile, the executive director dies and as the new executive director, I had to carry on with the change process. The new initiative involved additional services which included care as well as repair for the elderly, making new homes at a new location and maintaining an affordable rent (Hornstein, 2001). Organizational Change The change was influenced by both internal and external factors. First, was the continued drift from a culture of local authority and have an autonomous non-profit making business. Second, the sudden chief executive death that was followed by a strategy re-evaluation as well as the demand for a new chief executive. Third, the growth rate of the world housing association and emergence of new organizations who receive the housing stock from the local authority. This highly increased competition in the sector. Fourth, the increasing housing crisis with increasing house prices and lack of enough homes to cover the demand. Fifth, the migration of older people looking for affordable houses for retire and at a location with necessary services for this population group. Lastly, the housing corporation restricted the number of association to deal with (Hall, 1993). Asher Group Organization realized their need for change after identifying these two key factors; identification of an opportunity and the need to react to internal as well as external pressure. As per my experience, it mirrors the information on how a need for change should be discovered. The board identified new opportunities in the housing sector including; included care as well as repair for the elderly, making new homes at a new location and maintaining an affordable rent. Additionally, the death of the chief executive as an internal factor and competition, changing economic environment and housing corporation demands. Environmental Scanning Asher Group Organization did not actively scan the internal and external environment to find out elements indicating a need for change. For the organization to react to the force of its business environments, there is a need for environmental scanning. This is by monitoring the organizations internal as well as external factors to identify early signs that a change will be needed. I would recommend a scanning technique such as the SWOT analysis. It focuses on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats posed by the internal and external factors. The management will first analyze the internal and identify the inefficiencies within the organization. Later, the external environment for independent factors affecting the organization (Daft, 1988). Conclusion With the change process carried out by Asher Group Organization, it was influenced by both internal and external factors. The process of change would have been more successful if the organization had conducted an environmental scan to determine the need for change. In my opinion, SWOT analysis could be the best fit for the environmental scan to identify the need for change in the Asher Group Organization. References Daft, R. L., Sormunen, J., & Parks, D. (1988). Chief executive scanning, environmental characteristics, and company performance: An empirical study. Strategic management journal, 9(2), 123-139. Hall, R. (1993). A framework linking intangible-resources and capabilities to sustainable-competitive advantage. Strategic management-journal, Vol. 14 Issue 8, 607-618. Hornstein, H. (2001). Organizational development and change management: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The Journal of Applied-Behavioral Science, 37(2), 224-226. Organizational Change The Asher Group is a housing association firm. Few years ago, the top management identified the need for improving their service delivery as a result of increased competition from rival housing agencies. With the main goal of the organization being to upgrade residential areas to modern standards, Asher Group set out to implement organizational change so as to maintain clients and offer quality services. This change involved the lowering of rental charges to make them affordable to all, the making of new and modernly structured houses, and the repairing of houses belonging to the elderly. For this issue, the top management agreed to using a problem-oriented diagnosis. The problem-oriented approach advocates for the identification of the cause of a problem and using it to come up with relevant solutions. In Asher Group’s case, it had occurred to them that they were slowly losing clients over the years and this was having a negative effect on the company’s returns. As a result, they sought out to find out how their clients felt towards their service delivery. This was done through questionnaires. Upon completion of their client interaction, they realized that most clients though comfortable with their current residence had plans of moving out sooner or later. This was because they knew of places where they could get better services at a relatively lower or similar price. Some complained of poor communication with the agency whereas others noted that most of the agents were unfriendly. Very few clients opted to stay. With this information, the company now drafted the appropriate problem-specific measures to put in place. Significantly, the change process was also equipped with a feedback mechanism. In his article “Five reasons why feedback may be the most important skill,” Bob Dignen writes that it is essential in developing and accessing performance. Following the implementation of the proposed changes in Asher Group’s service delivery, the organization planned to conduct another customer survey to identify how they felt towards the newly improvised changes. They wanted to know if the new prices on rental charges and the upgrading of houses for the elderly had a positive impact on their clients. Significantly, they also wanted to know if the clients still opted to leave or had changed their minds and decided to stay. This was a great move because through it, the top management would be able to diagnose the effectiveness of the organizational change. Again, it would also make it possible for them to work on areas where they had not achieved optimum effectiveness. Client’s would also feel appreciated for being involved in the company’s activities. In conclusion, the Asher Group’s organizational change strategy was effectively done. As the top management, we looked into the problem first before going straight ahead to development. This helped a big deal in providing problem-oriented solutions. In doing so, the needs of clients were met and the company was able to create a substantive organizational change that promised better returns and a loyal client base. Work Cited Dignen, Bob. “Five reasons why feedback may be the most important skill.” Cambridge, 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2018.
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The Asher Group is a housing association specializing in the housing industry. Changes within
an organization and industry are inevitable, and that is why a few years ago the Asher group’s
top management identified the need to improve housing services to match the increased
competition in the industry. The competition was triggered the specific needs of the clients such
as lowering the cost of rents so that they are within affordable margins, modern structures and
offering repair services to houses belonging to the senior citizens. What really necessitated the
change was the loss of clients over the years which had a negative impact on the Asher Group.
What I have discovered so far is that feedback is an essential asset to a firm and feedback
analysis is a skill that every leader needs to have to deal with problems that trigger change within
the firm.
Part of improving the quality of services that Asher Group offered the clients involved evaluating
the feedback loop as a way of enhancing performance across the different levels of management
within the firm. As a way of improving the quality of services at Asher Group, I realized that
communication was critical to the business. Being in the housing industry means that our contact
people are our employees and they collect a lot of information, and they can decide to hold the
information until it rots like a toma...

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