Methodology ( Write 5 pages)
Research Topic: “Information Technology Problems and Solutions for Small Businesses”
- Watch the video “Exploratory, Descriptive and Explanatory Nature of Research”
- Optionally, watch the video "What is Descriptive Research?"
- Optionally, watch the video "What is Exploratory Research?"
- Choose one or more of the three recommended research methodologies and write a methodology paper on your selected topic
- The paper must include the reasons and justification for your selected approach using a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed references,
Your paper should be 5 pages maximum and include:
- Research Design: Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research
- Participants: Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent
- Instrumentation: Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data
- Procedure: Provide the detail about how you anticipate conducting the research
- Data Processing and Analysis: Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data
- Summary
The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the SafeAssign originality-checking tool.
Note 1: Research Topic: “Information Technology Problems and Solutions for Small Businesses”
Note 2: Short tutorial on qualitative versus quantitative research. USE THIS LINK
Explanation & Answer
Traditional Research Methodology
Information Technology Problems and Solutions for Small Businesses
Research Methodology
This chapter explains the method of the research which is adopted in the research study.
It will majorly focus on the research designs; the research populations or participants which will
explain and describe the characteristics of the research population; the instruments used in the
collection of data; the data process and analysis methods, the procedure and end with the
summary of the whole section. The research methodology refers to the search for knowledge by
the objective and systematic approach to finding solutions to the research problem. It also entails
the different steps and processes which are generally integrated by the researcher while studying
a given research problem along with the various logic behind the issue.
Research Design
A research design is a plan which is specifically established to provide various responses
to the research question along with the control variance. Answering the research questions and
hypotheses is the primary concern or purpose for any research study. This is only made possible
through the integration of thee appropriate research design in the study. Specifically, this study
on the information technology problems and solutions for the small businesses will be effective
if it takes descriptive research strategy. The descriptive research is indeed a fact-finding
examination with the adequate and appropriate research interpretation, and it has much emphasis
on specific elements or dimensions of the studied problem (Dulock, 1993). Ideally, this study
will fail under the descriptive study since it emphases on the problems and solutions to the
information technology on the small businesses. Nonetheless, the descriptive research strategy
will provide appropriate guidelines under which these small businesses can solve the various
underlying issu...