Marketing Question

User Generated


Business Finance

University of the District of Columbia


You are to choose 3 companies from the following scenarios:

A. An existing Canadian company is performing a Major new product or servicelaunch

B. A new company is launching into the Canadian marketplace

C. An existing, foreign company, wants to take an existing product or service andlaunch it in Canada.

you have to write short proposal explaining why you chose the company and why you would like to work on it and create a marketing plan for it

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Explanation & Answer


Marketing Question

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Marketing Question
MapleTech Inc.- Scenario A
Having worked with MapleTech Inc. before, I am pleased to recommend them for this project.
MapleTech Inc. is a reputable Canadian IT firm that has made waves in the software market
with its cutting-edge developments. People have said good things about the tools made by
MapleTech Inc. Because they care about quality and good customer service, they are a good
choice for new items and services. The business is now up and running and ready for anything.
It has always been able to see and act on business trends. Developers and engineers have the

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