answer the discussion questions

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PCN 540


Topic 6 DQ1: You have been selected by your nonprofit agency to evaluate client satisfaction with various clinical services. The agency serves approximately 2,000 clients. How would you go about planning a process to evaluate client satisfaction with services?

Topic 6 DQ2: Describe and discuss the essential elements of a needs assessment in conducting program evaluation. What are the considerations of choosing and implementing needs assessment? Describe how you will apply cultural sensitivity and relevance within your needs assessment. Provide at least two scholarly references in support of your responses.

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Evaluation of client satisfaction with different clinical services
Topic 6 DQ1
Client satisfaction refers to the customer’s perception that performance of the service
provider will meet his or her needs (Scudder et al. 2015). Evaluating client satisfaction is a vital
component of quality service and culture. Moreover, the gaps between an organizations
performance and clients’ expectation can be minimized by enhancing the effectiveness of service
and optimizing resource allocation to balance clients’ expectations. Among the principles of a
successful client satisfaction measurement include cost-effectiveness, simplicity, reliability, and
regularity. In planning the process of evaluating client satisfaction, I am going to...

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