Core Values Essay

User Generated



University of Maryland University College


One core value that must be mentioned is resiliency because I've already used it once.

For this essay, you will reflect on the readings and the class discussions on core values and you will:

•Identify and explain 3-5 of your core values

•Discuss the origins of these core values

Due Date and Grade Percentage:

This assignment is due by the end of week 1 and is worth 10% of your final course grade.

Connection to other Course Assignments:

•This essay will help guide your thinking for the remaining course readings and learning activities.

•This essay will also serve as a starting point for a revised and expanded core values essay that you will complete towards the end of the course.

•Moreover, this essay will serve as the basis for your analysis in the case study project.


•Give a clear thesis statement and support your thesis with about 3-5 key points.

•Be sure to include an introductory paragraph, 3-5 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

•Include details and examples to help you develop and support your response to the essay prompt.

•Show you are really thinking about your core values– honestly convey what matter most to you. Your core values may not align with the core values of your classmates or the core values of society. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers.

•Talk about the complexities of your core values and how you have come to embrace these core values.For example, don’t just assume that the core value of family means the same thing to everyone. Discuss what family means to you and your experiences with family that have shaped this core value.

•Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about the kinds of writing mistakes you tend to make (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those.

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Task: The readings and learning activities for this week have focused on core values, their origins, and the role that they play in our society and in our professional and personal lives. For this essay, you will reflect on the readings and the class discussions on core values and you will: •Identify and explain 3-5 of your core values •Discuss the origins of these core values Due Date and Grade Percentage: This assignment is due by the end of week 1 and is worth 10% of your final course grade. Connection to other Course Assignments: •This essay will help guide your thinking for the remaining course readings and learning activities. •This essay will also serve as a starting point for a revised and expanded core values essay that you will complete towards the end of the course. •Moreover, this essay will serve as the basis for your analysis in the case study project. Content: •Give a clear thesis statement and support your thesis with about 3-5 key points. •Be sure to include an introductory paragraph, 3-5 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. •Include details and examples to help you develop and support your response to the essay prompt. •Show you are really thinking about your core values– honestly convey what matter most to you. Your core values may not align with the core values of your classmates or the core values of society. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. •Talk about the complexities of your core values and how you have come to embrace these core values. For example, don’t just assume that the core value of family means the same thing to everyone. Discuss what family means to you and your experiences with family that have shaped this core value. •Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about the kinds of writing mistakes you tend to make (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Length and Format: •Your final product should be a minimum of five (5) paragraphs (about 700-1000 words) in length. However, the quality of the content of this essay is most important. Be sure to fully answer the prompt. •Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font. •Your paper should be written in formal, academic prose. Be sure to pay attention to using complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar, and no “text talk”.
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Personal Core Values
When talking about core values, they can be said to be the fundamental components which act as
the foundation on which human beings can work and also conduct themselves. In the everchanging world without having these core values would be almost futile. The core values act as
the perfect guide in the process of making sure that one is progressing in the right direction. Core
values give an individual the unique composite which he or can you in the process of
development. Core values define what an individual does on a daily basis. The idea of the
success or failure in most cases is dependent on the ability to choose the right core values. With
this in mind, the following paper w...

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