Question Description
I'm working on a psychology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Step 1: Find 2-3 articles from Science Daily News Science Daily within the past 8 years (2015-Present) that reports on the results of one of the psychological topics listed below.
Topics: 'dopamine and happiness'; 'brain and meditation'; 'traumatic brain injury and treatment'; 'sleep and disease'; 'cannabis and pregnancy'; 'emerging adulthood' 'executive function'; 'coping strategies'
Name of the Textbook: Experience Psychology (Fifth Edition)
Step 2: Write a paper that:
summarizes the articles in your own words; when paraphrasing information from the article
summarizes the topic as presented in the textbook (from chapters 2, 4, 8, or 14) in your own words
compares and contrasts the key points and purpose of the articles with the information presented in the textbook; examine if the articles accurately describes the research
Explanation & Answer
Dopamine and Happiness
Topic: “Dopamine and Happiness”
In recent years, there has been a notable surge in scholarly interest on the correlation
between dopamine and the experience of happiness. The topic at hand is illuminated by two
articles sourced from Science Daily News, namely:
1. First Article: "Dopamine makes you feel happy, but we probably still have to rewrite the
2. Second Article: "'Happy hormone' dopamine plays role in identifying emotions."
In the first article titled, a groundbreaking revelation comes to the fore concerning
dopamine depletion in the brain. A team of scholars has unveiled a fresh and promising
mechanism, opening the door to groundbreaking therapeutic strategies aimed at tackling
conditions like cocaine addiction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)