Read the following case studies from the Center for Practical Bioethics:
Consider the questions following the case study.
Summarize the case study, explaining the legal and ethical aspects of it.
Research and explain any laws that pertain to the situation.
Determine if the legal and ethical responsibilities are in alignment with each other.
Explain how you would recommend this care team resolve the situation and layout a plan of action.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 875-word paper Include an APA-formatted reference list.
Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years.
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Explanation & Answer

Practical Bioethics
Institutional Affiliation
Practical Bioethics
Case Summary
This case study is on a 29 year old lady, Janet who was involved in an accident with her
husband, Jack, while driving home from an ob-gyn appointment. The accident occurred when an
elderly driver got distracted and ran a red light, T-boning the couple’s Mini-Cooper subjecting
them to severe injuries. Unfortunately, Jack succumbed to his injuries on his way to hospital but
Janet survived, having sustained minor body injuries but severe head trauma. A month after the
accident, physicians say the diagnosis is gray. The best that would come out of the situation
would be Jane progressing in a vegetative state. The situation was however complicated by
Janet’s state: she was pregnant. She had thought about death after the accident and had an idea of
what was to come through her nursing experiences, especially in end of live and advance care
planning (Rosell, n.d). Months prior to the accident, Janet completed her advance directives,
which had listed Jack as her primary agent and a durable power of attorney for healthcare, and
her parents as secondary agents. This was also accompanied by a similar healthcare treatment
directive that clearly stated that in the event that her health deteriorated to the point of death, she
did not want any form of life support that would be used to extend her life (Rosell, n.d). Janet’s
parents, after further consultation, went by the wishes of their daugh...