Writing Question

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psych 201



3.(Ch. 8) "Help Make America Talk Again": If you have the time, I highly recommend this 15-minute TEDx talk given by Celeste Headlee, an award-winning journalist, professional speaker, and best-selling author of We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that MatterLinks to an external site..

Delivered shortly after the 2016 Presidential election, Headlee addresses how political narrowmindedness and the accompanying emotions wrapped up in "choosing sides" have damaged our ability to communicate with each other. Her wise insight also provides an excellent foundation for your Listening Project - another worthwhile reason to watch this video. ;-)

After viewing the talk, take your time to reflect openly on the subject matter of this video in at least 500 words.

Grading Criteria:

  1. Depth of Reflection (demonstrates a deep understanding of prompt/concept as well as insight and growth concerning it)
  2. Effective linking of personal experience to course concept, class topic, or journal prompt (response is personal/reflective rather than distant/expository)
  3. Clarity & Writing Conventions (college-level writing with essentially no errors)
  4. Completeness (fully responds to all aspects of the prompt in at least 500 words)
  5. Submission (double-spaced, 12-pt standard font, 1" margins, uploaded to Canvas as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf)

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Explanation & Answer


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Reflection: Talking to People Matter
Apart from being divided by our political landscape, more disconnection is developed
from our inability to talk and listen to each other as a society. In class, we learned that listening,
receiving, and responding are the major tools in talking to people. Mindful listening enables
people to give attention to other talking, which impact how they receive and respond to the
conversation. This is what Celeste Headlee explains as empathy, detailing that communication
involves empathy and understanding, which has declined by 40% in recent years” (3:56).
Empathy, as explained by Celeste, goes beyond sympathy as it is the ability to understand and
share the emotions, feelings, and perspecti...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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