Use two website to answer these questions

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Use these two websites to answer the questions in the word file

Population Biology

Be a Demographer

I've answered most of the questions in page 1

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Explanation & Answer

Kindly send me the word file with questions needed to do the assignment.

ESCI 1102

Lab 8
Population Change VS days

Part 1. Population Biology is an online virtual lab that will illustrate how competition
affects population growth. Follow the instructions given. Two species of
unicellular organisms are used to determine patterns of population growth. Run
the program to determine the growth pattern of each species.
a. Make a hypothesis about how you think the two species of Paramecium will grow
separately. Then run the experiments.
Each of the species will grow in the in the population provided that they have
sufficient food supply and a nurturing habitat.

Keep track of your findings and then create graphs of your data using the provided tools.
You will create two graphs, one showing the growth of P. caudatum and the other showing the
growth of P. aurelia. Copy the graphs and paste them below.


Based on your graphs above, was your hypothesis from 1a. Correct? Why or why not?
Yes. Adding to my hypothesis, there was a continuous increase in population for
the two species up to a certain point where the growth of the population stopped.


Now, make another hypothesis about how you think the two species of Paramecium will
grow when mixe...

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