Short paper

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is asking you to literally look back through early chapters of the book, pick a historical event or process from our time, and recognize potential triggers and conjunctures from the past.

Book name:

Berenson Edward, Europe in the Modern World, a narrative history. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016

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Europe in the Modern World, a narrative history by Berenson Edward
In his book, Europe in the Modern World, a narrative history, Berenson Edward discusses the
effects of the history since the 1500 to present. The scholar and teacher of western civic explore
a number of episodes that occurred in Europe in the early years and tries to connect them to
contemporary Europe. The discussions and arguments that have been raised in the book are
therefore succinct and straightforward and depict vibrant ideas of the author. The primary area of
concentration by the author, however, is the economic effects of the previous actions in Europe>
the author, therefore, explores the role of economic development in Europe by looking at the
various key historical moments in Euro...

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