Is abortion morally acceptable when the woman's life is not in danger due to the pregnancy?

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ashford university


I will attach my week 1 assignment for you to refer to.

Scholarly Arguments

In the Week 1 Presenting Arguments assignment, you objectively and neutrally evaluated reasoning on each side of your question from non-scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will objectively and neutrally evaluate and present the reasoning from scholarly sources on the same question. For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the Week Three Example paper.

Conduct research from scholarly sources on each side of your issue and write a paper that includes the following:

  • Introduction (approximately 100 words)
    • Explain your topic and state the specific question that you are addressing (be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback you got from the instructor on your first paper).
  • Presentation of an Argument
    • Describe the scholarly source on one side of the issue and summarize the key points made. (approximately 100 words)
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. You may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words)
  • Presentation of an Opposing Argument
    • Describe the scholarly source on the other side of the issue and summarize the key points made. (approximately 100 words)
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. You may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words)
  • Evaluation of Arguments in Non-Scholarly and Scholarly Sources (approximately 200 words)
    • Discuss the differences in the quality of the reasoning or in the degree of support in the sources that you analyzed (Scholarly and Popular Resources (1) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
      • Some specific types of questions you might address here include: Who is the target audience? What types of motives may be influencing these authors? Discuss any logical fallacies in any of the sources.
    • Conclusion (approximately 50 words)
      • Reflect on how this activity might influence how you conduct research in the future.

The Scholarly Arguments paper

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Running head: ABORTION Is abortion morally acceptable when the woman's life is not in danger due to the pregnancy? 1 ABORTION 2 Is abortion morally acceptable when the woman's life is not in danger due to the pregnancy? Introduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy either to save the life of the child or because of the wishes of the mother. Abortion for the sake of saving the life of the mother is thought to be acceptable by many scholars. However, in the case that the life of the mother is not in danger, questions have risen about whether or not the practice should be accepted. Pro-abortionists believe that the rights of the mother triumph the right of the fetus for life. However, antiabortionists believe that abortion is unethical for various reasons. For the reasons, in this particular paper, the question is whether or not abortion is acceptable in cases when the life of the mother is not in danger. Support for abortion One of the articles that support abortion is the one titled “A Humanist Discussion on Abortion.” The article is found on a website that discusses matters from the perspective of humanism (“A Humanist Discussion on Abortion,” 2017). Therefore, it presents the issue from a humanist point of view rather than general. Argument. According to the article, most humanists believe that the rights of the mother and her wishes are more important than those of the fetus and the father. The article argues that the quality of life is important than life. The premises of the argument are that the mothers care for their children. Sometimes, pregnancies may make them uncomfortable (“A Humanist Discussion on Abortion,” 2017). Therefore, they may become unhappy. Because the happiness of the ABORTION 3 children depends on mothers, if the mothers are unhappy, the children are also likely to be unhappy and should therefore not be born. Quality of argument The argument of the article is based on the humanistic way of thinking. The article starts by giving the new developments in the field of medicine that concern the topic of abortion. In the part, the article discusses issues such as the time when the fetus is considered to be alive, technologies that can help save the fetus, the genetic underpinning of some disorders and the ability to determine illnesses before the birth of the babies. The article also offers the reasoning of the different people concerning abortion and why they believe that abortion is unethical or ethical. The article talks about the religious perspective, English laws and why some people may or may not want to take part in abortion. Then, the article presents the reasoning of humanists. According to the article, if the mother of the child is not happy, the baby too will not happy. Therefore, the happiness of the mother is the most important factor when considering whether or not it is ethical or not to abort (“A Humanist Discussion on Abortion,” 2017). By offering the different aspects of the argument and then finally offering the reasoning of the humanists, the article leaves the reader with the choice of whether or not to choose abortion or not. Argument against abortion “Abortion Is Immoral” is an article found on a Christian website titled Christia.Net. The site has content concerning various controversial issues that are discussed from the Christian worldview. Therefore, the site is a religious website and supports its argument based on the bible. ABORTION 4 Argument According to the article, abortion is immoral and wrong. Several premises are used to support the argument. First, abortion leads to the loss of life of the fetus. Killing is unethical according to the Christian laws. Therefore, abortion is immoral. Another premise is that abortion results from sinful acts. Thus, by nature of the culmination of the pregnancies, aborting them is sinful. Third, the article says that life and death can only be given by God. Therefore, no one should presume to have the power to choose who lives and who dies. Therefore, because abortion involves choosing whether the fetus lives or dies, it is unethical and should not practice (“Abortion Is Immoral,” 2017). Quality of the argument The article is entirely based on Christian teachings. Therefore, it fails to consider the other realities such as the life of the mother and the needs of the mother and child. The argument of the article is biased because it fails to consider the people who are from different religions. However, its arguments are arranged logically. The author starts by first acknowledging that the argument is from a Christian standpoint and therefore enables the audience to understand that the ideas may only affect them if they are Christians. The arguments are also explained based on the various laws of Christianity and therefore makes it easy to follow to the conclusion. The author also uses quotes from multiple sources to support the claims that are made in the article. For instance, the author talks about how some people use abortion to avoid responsibility. The author gives the example of how it is more straightforward for people to pay for the procurement of abortions rather than pay child support (“Abortion Is Immoral,” 2017). By giving such examples, the argument is brought to the contemporary perspective and therefore may help people who are ABORTION not Christians to make decisions concerning whether they should abort or not as well as how to avoid abortion if they agree that abortion is not ethical. 5 ABORTION 6 References Abortion Is Immoral. (2017). Retrieved from A Humanist Discussion on Abortion. (2017, March 31). Retrieved from
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Abortion and Morality
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Abortion is a procedure carried out to terminate a pregnancy in order to save the life of a
woman or when a woman does not want to give birth out of personal reasons. Pregnancy
termination to save the life of a mother is legally and medically approved. However, it becomes a
controversial issue when a mother wants to carry out an abortion by choice which is termed as
ethically unacceptable (Casuera, 2017). The issue has brought about two conflicting groups
where the pro-abortionists rally behind the acceptance of abortion when a mother wants to as
they argue that a mother has right to choice over a fetus. The others view abortion as unethical
behavior. In this paper, we will reflect on whether abortion is morally acceptable when the
pregnancy is not a threat to the woman’s life.
An article titled “the law and ethics of abortion” is a scholarly article by British medical
association that discusses on the legal and medical bases that an abortion can be acceptable from
the law, ethics and medical perspective. It also explains the process and procedures of an
abortion (British Medical Association, 2017). Despite the law and medical ethics of abortion, the

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