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Your assignment will begin with an APA-style title page followed by a formal outline that presents your thesis statement, topic sentences, and supporting information for each topic. You will need to refer to your annotated bibliography to locate appropriate sources for the claims you intend to present and cite these sources the body of your outline and on your reference page. Please check the Research Paper Guidelines if you have any questions about the assignment topics. Also, be sure to review the Model Outline before you begin constructing your own outline and utilize the Week Two Assignment Template.

You are required to format your assignment as a full-sentence outline in APA style that includes source material from at least two scholarly sources from last week’s research along with additional research, if necessary. Source material must be cited in-text in accurate APA style and must be accompanied by an accurately formatted reference list. Be sure to incorporate any useful feedback you have received from your instructor and classmates.

The outline must be 400 to 500 words in length and formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Submission Information: Complete the tasks above and save the document as a Microsoft Word PDF file. Submit your assignment via the Assignment Submission button. Please use a naming convention for your assignment files that includes your last name and the week number. So, your Final Research Paper Outline assignment should bear a file name that looks like: smithENG122w2.docx or smithENG122w2.pdf.

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1 Running head: COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Bibliography Damien Weekly ENG 122: English Composition II Megan Barnes 3/19/18 COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 Research Question: How does one become a frontline leader in any company? Thesis: Derived from trial and error, historical data and personal expertise of business professionals. There are many steps to becoming a great frontline leader; I believe each one of my sources demonstrate valid and factual steps to becoming an efficient frontline leader. Annotation 1: Scholarly Article 1: Reference: Einstein, W. O., & Humphreys, J. H. (2001). Transforming Leadership: Matching Diagnostics to Leader Behaviors. Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(1), 48-60. doi:10.1177/107179190100800104 Annotation: The purpose of this source is to evaluate the leader and follower relationship within the work environment; during the implementation of a new process. All while recognizing the job demands, skills, goals and overall willingness of the employee to conform to the new process. This in turn is a direct result of transformational leadership, which is a form of analyzing your employees based on personality and skill set. It is up to the leader to influence the employee to be more receptive of making the transition into the new process. By doing so, the manager should be persuasive by empowering the employee to make the decisions as to what will help the company succeed. On page 51 figure 1, there is a diagnostic model of leadership styles which describes the leader and follower relationship. The model implies that a leader should direct, persuade, and involve his or her employees as a contingent reward. The last step would be to inspire the COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 3 employee which is considered transformational leadership. The more involved employee is with a situation based on their skill set and maturity, the higher the employee’s morale will be. Compared to other sources on this topic throughout my coursework, there are similarities. The direct correlation between all the sources that I have found indicate that there is a bureaucracy between leaders and followers which can be mended with understanding and tact. The way the source answered my question was by using flowcharts to give a visual demonstration of change in the works. The source also pointed out the fact that leaders must be more involved with their employees to elevate potential as well as performance. One of my main takeaways from the source, was that to change a process, your surroundings and morale a leader will have to change himself first. Annotation 2: Scholarly Article 2: Reference: Volz-Peacock, M., Carson, B., & Marquardt, M. (2016). Action Learning and Leadership Development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(3), 318 333. doi:10.1177/1523422316645884 Annotation: The purpose of this following source is to identify the method in becoming an efficient leader. This source spoke about analyzing data of coach facilitated studies over a ten-year period by the World Institute for Action Learning. The case studies were from 33 different countries; concentrating on the introduction of action learning, a description of learning projects and learnings in general. It also identified with team COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 learnings as well as personal learnings, which are key in leadership roles. The article indicates that there are several variables which can affect the outcome of everyone’s learning. Mainly due to the type of organization the individual is a part of; such as nonprofit organizations, and government agencies, stemming from six different continents. Variables aside the results showed that the participants appreciated the safe environment in which they can practice their chosen leadership skills. They emphasized on leadership insubordinate interaction to enhance team collaboration. The participants also felt more comfortable with implementing what they learned with a greater awareness for themselves and their employees. The relatable aspect this article compared to prior sources that I’ve found is that whether you are a leader or subordinate teamwork is the key to success. The supporting factor of every source that I have found is communication amongst leader and follower is essential in any process. So, to make progress everyone must self-reflect and work toward a common cause. This source answers my question as well, it is now clear that as a leader you should still be open to suggestions from the subordinates when striving for a common goal. Instead of telling the employee how something should be done, one should try asking them what’s the best way they think the task should be done. Annotation 3: Web Page 1: Reference: 5 Key Skills for Frontline Leaders Retrieved from 1. Annotation: The main point of this source is to identify the key skills needed to be a frontline leader. This source gives leadership skills for COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 management to master; they identify five key skills for managers to implement to become outstanding leaders. The first step is delegation, the process of deputizing members of the team enables a leader to distribute the workload and in the first responsibility. This step also gives the employee a sense of accountability and defined goals. The second step is to show interest, recognize the importance of what motivates an individual. By communicating with the employee, a manager will know what peaks his employees interest. Step three is based on pairing, the leader can determine the working styles of each team member. By doing so the manager can identify which individuals work best together. The fourth step entails coaching; using coaching principles it becomes easier to establish a bond with the employee. This step helps with conflict resolution, whether it’s minuscule or major. The last step is called feed forward, which means to focus on the future and areas for improvement. This step tells the manager how to identify areas for improvement in a subtle manner without bringing up negative events from the past. This process will help employees concentrate on the rewards that come from improvement. I believe the implementation of these steps will lead to a positive result at any company. The supporting evidence of this article comes from personal work experience; the same steps described in the article have been used by myself, and other management teams from different companies. Although the article does not display statistics, or historical documents; I believe the steps were created through years of trial and error. This source strongly relates to other sources I found on this topic; they all identify the link between employee morale and company efficiency. This article supports all the sources that I have found since every source points out the leader and employee relationship in the COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 workplace is very important for companies to succeed. This source answers my question because it was broken down step by step and included management of change needed to be an efficient leader within a company. Annotation 4: Web Page 2: Reference: The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader Retrieved from Annotation: The main purpose of this source is to identify the 10 most effective qualities of a team leader. The author speaks of characteristics and personal attributes that make a great leader. First on the list is communication, whether verbal or written the leader should be able to display what's expected of the employees in a clear and professional manner. Organization is also a key factor strategizing and planning objectives for the employees to complete. Each leader should always express a certain level of confidence in themselves, in their work, in their decision-making as well as their employees. Being respectful is a must as a leader, it empowers employees by encouraging them to offer innovative ideas about decisions that affect them. The author states that a leader should also be fair ensuring the employees receive the same treatment. The leader should also remain consistent with recognition, rewards and disciplinary actions. A good leader should show integrity by being honest and open with his team members. The leader should treat others the same way he would like to be treated; by doing so he will gain the trust of his employees. In the article it states that a good leader should be able to influence change with effective decision-making and communication. As leaders the skill of delegation is required; the leader should know COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 which task to assign which employee, this will improve workplace functions as well as productivity. Team leaders should be powerful facilitators, by doing this it will help the employee understand their goal and what it takes to achieve it in the most efficient manner. Negotiation is a skill that a good leader should utilize as well; this will reduce workplace conflict. Leaders who negotiate effectively rationalize the decision- making process for the best interest of everyone involved. This article relates and supports the other sources that I found, based off key factors presented in every source. Out of all the sources that I found respect, honesty, organization, and overall open-mindedness must be displayed to be a great leader. Although each source had different strategies; the all were guided toward the same goal. In short, a happy employee means a happy company. Annotation 5: eBook 1: Reference: Ramasamy, T. (2009). Principles of management. Retrieved from Annotation: Taken from Chapter 11 of the book Principles of management, the main point of this source is to explain traits needed to become a good manager. This chapter gives an in-depth explanation of the need for leadership, theories of leadership and the functions of a leader. It also explains the qualities of leadership, the types of leaders there are. It also speaks about the different techniques of leadership, and the characteristics it entails; as well as leadership styles. Throughout the chapter the author expresses the theories of leadership in a structured manner. The source explains the functionality of each technique need to be an efficient leader. The source also explains the advantages and disadvantages of different leadership styles. This source relates to other sources I COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 found on this topic, because it clearly indicates that to be a good leader the first step would be to influence your employee. This source completely supports all of the other sources that I have found in regard to this topic; as each source indicates a leader should be respectful, motivating and influential to each one of his employees. This source answers my research question because it gives an overview of leadership itself, as well as explains the traits and the characteristics needed to be a good leader.
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