100. You will need to write a survey assignment with one page introduction and 25 questions.

User Generated




100. You will need to write a survey assignment with one page introduction and 25 questions.

For this assignment, you are tasked with creating a survey instrument (also known as a questionnaire). The survey (both on paper and online) is one of the most commonly used tools in assessment and evaluation. You may design a survey around a topic that is interesting to you, and you may design your survey as a continuation of your research proposal assignment (but you don't have to!). Your paper should have three sections:

1. Start with a 1 page (double spaced, 12pt times new roman font, 1"margins) description of the concepts that you are trying to measure and why you are trying to measure them.

2. Your questions should come directly after that page, and may be multiple choice, likert-scale, open ended, etc.Please create a survey with 20-25 questions. You are free to look up tourism surveys online as a reference, but must create your own questions.

3. Finally, your survey should end with a 1 page (double spaced, 12pt times new roman font, 1"margins) description of the type of analysis your survey will allow you to do (exploratory analysis, descriptive analysis, or explanatory analysis), and how your data might help solve problems for the tourism industry and/or tourism destinations/communities.

To earn an A, your survey should be well written (free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors), well-structured (follow the directions I just gave you), and be technically sound in terms of actually measuring the concepts you purport to be measuring.

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Explanation & Answer


The questionnaire has been formulated to determine the most frequent tourists touring Kenya,
challenges they face, their perspective on wildlife and nature conservation and evaluate the
satisfaction of services they receive. This survey will be very crucial to the country so as it can
increase tourism and know how best to reduce the challenges tourists face. The survey will also
provide the country with new ideas of conservation of nature and wildlife from people from
other nationalities point of view. The government will also be in a position to determine how
effective the new measures they are implementing on improving tourism have impacted to
tourist satisfaction.

To achieve this, a survey on the tourist personal information is required. Ages and gender of the
most frequent tourists will be very important. It will help us to determine how to advertise and
the population to target in the advertisements. The nationalities of the most frequent tourists
will also enable the country to capitalize more in advertising in those nations where the country
receives more tourists. It will also help the nation to determine the reasons why tourists from
other countries don’t tour the country and how to attract them towards the countries’ tourist
attraction sites.

Purpose of visit, quality of services and how they learned about the tourist attraction sites is
also very important in the survey. Having determined what tourists are interested in most, it
would then be much easier to propose to the country areas it should improve on so as to
receive more tourists. Determining how the tourists learned of the country as a tourist

destination would also help in determining how else to create more awareness and in return
receive more tourists.

Determining of the tourist satisfaction would be very crucial not only would it help in improving
the areas which they pinpointed weaknesses but also make tourists feel their concerns are
being addressed hence a higher probability of a future visit and recommendation. It would also
be very important to get their perception on wildlife conservation and also their
recommendations. This would be very useful since it helps us to improve on wildlife
conservation in accordance with people from other countries perspective which would in
return complement our own methods.

The below survey tries to address these issues hence assisting...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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