99. Read the instruction and write one page discussion by answering 3questions.

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Read the instruction and write one page discussion by answering 3questions.Please read the requirements very carefully. Thank you!!

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Answering total of 3 questions. Questions are in bold. Around 100 words for each 1. Lession 8 blog post Identify and define four listening styles. woman listening In communication courses, you may spend so much time focusing on what is coming out of your mouth that you might forget to focus on what is coming into your ears. Before you continue, take a moment to listen to The 5 Communication Secrets that Swept Obama to the Presidency, an engaging video about the importance of listening. Did you know that listening is a skill? Just like getting better at playing a sport or a musical instrument, you can become a better listener. With practice, you can learn to filter out stimuli that compete for your attention in a listening situation. To become a better listener, it is a good idea to first identify your listening styles. Learn more about them by clicking on the icons below. People-Oriented: People-oriented listeners are empathetic listeners who are comfortable listening to other people’s feelings and emotions. Action-Oriented: Action-oriented listeners are listening for the main point in the message so they can figure out what to do with the information. Content-Oriented: Content-oriented listeners like to listen to information-rich messages with complex, detailed information. Time-Oriented: Time-oriented listeners are aware of the amount of time they have to listen, and prefer brief messages. After learning more about listening styles, have you narrowed down which style best suits you? By knowing your listening style, you can enhance your skills as well as practice other styles so you will be able to adapt to different situations. From the COM230 course homepage, click on Blog located on the main navigation on the left. Select the blog entry My Listening Style. You will see the Add a Comment form. Enter a title in the Title entry blank. Then, in the Body textbox, write about your listening style. 2. Lession 9 blog post Explain how to deal with difficult group members. As students of small group communication, understanding how to effectively collaborate with others in conflict situations will encourage your conflicts toward more productive outcomes. Unfortunately, people may have a difficult time separating people from the problem, focusing on shared interests, looking for alternatives, and using objective criteria. Like Harry Potter, who attempts to avoid the struggles with his family in the opening of the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, dealing with difficult group members can be a challenge, especially when it is unclear who the deviant is. As Beebe and Masterson note in the textbook, "You're more likely to label someone a deviant if you think you are not deviant in your own team behavior" (p. 187). Carefully review this scene from Harry Potter now. Next, consider the following tips for dealing with difficult people. Given these tips, in this fictional scene, is Harry the deviant, or is his family? How well does Harry handle his family? What about his house elf? What would you do? Take some time to record your thoughts in the course blog and see what others think. 3. Lession 2 blog post Explain the usefulness of theory in small group communication. Understanding small group communication theory creates a firm foundation for study and assists in building your awareness of communication choices. Theories are drawn from observations that lead to conclusions for the purpose of explanation and prediction. In small group communication, the explanatory function showcases how small groups can perform more efficiently, and the predictive function allows for members to forecast outcomes. • • • Move Close Print Explanatory function:The power of a theory to explain things. • • • Move Close Print Predictive function:The ability of a theory to predict events. Think back to the list of small groups in your life that you made in Lesson 1. Was one of the groups on your list members of your family? Sometimes overlooked, families function as small groups with high levels of complexity. For instance, families change as people marry or separate and new members are born and other members pass away. Families may engage in varying levels of conflict and utilize a variety of roles and norms, as well as navigate different environments such as physical locations like a home or virtual situations like text messaging. In this video, Family Ties...Strengthening the Family Unit, meet Raymond and Veronica's family. From this brief introduction and considering what you learned in Lesson 1 about small group communication, what theoretical statement could you develop about this family? 4. Lession 11 blog post Describe how to evaluate Web resources and use virtual communication in problem solving. With advances in technology, when you have a problem to solve, where do you go? If you answered a smartphone or the library, it is likely that within your research, you will stumble across a Web page or two. Beebe and Masterson note, "Although traditional library sources are still excellent for gathering evidence used in group discussion, more and more research is conducted via the internet" (p. 87). The Internet is an amazing tool to access a variety of resources, yet it brings a false sense of security because anyone can publish their thoughts, opinions, and findings whether they are credible or not. As students of small group communication, it is important to understand how to evaluate Web resources. Check out Waking Up, Inc. to apply a set of criteria you can use to determine if the Website is worthwhile. Accountability: Know who is placing the information on the site. Objectivity: Consider the interests or biases of the organization or individual responsible for the site. Accuracy: Is the information accurate and verifiable? Web resources should be relatively free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Recency: Check to see when the Website was last updated. As a general rule, the more recent the information, the better. Usability: Consider whether you can actually use in the information and whether it relates to the group goal. Along with the virtual environment of Web resources, small group problem solving can occur in a virtual environment. Just as you have seen in this class, a variety of different online venues are available for people to connect and solve problems. Beebe and Masterson stated that though people use virtual communication, they still like to meet face-to-face. Yet, in a recent study conducted on patients in psychological therapy, the transcripts do not reveal a noticeable difference in "humanness" between the virtual therapist and the face-to-face therapist (Cristea, Sucala, & David, 2013). Therefore, whether technology is used or not, people still connect. Technology has advanced enough that the medium for connecting does not matter, or does it? What do you think? If you had the choice, would you rather meet virtually with a small group or meet in person? Why? Share your thoughts now in the course blog.
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Lesson 9 blog post
Absolutely, Harry Porter is a deviant. Even after clear warning of what is to happen to
him if he decides to leave his family. He does not want to stick around and face the same
challenges just like others. It is not a bad thing to seek for a better environment but he should
have considered staying since the warnings given by the house elf were clear. The family should
always come first, and then other things can follow. To harry porter, this i...

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