Operational Implications of Health Care Reform (week 5) and Productivity Recommendations (week 6)

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Health Medical


Assignment: Productivity Metrics (WEEK 5)

Note: For the Weeks 5 and 6 Assignments you will use Case 3: Physician Care Services, Inc., from the Middleboro Casebook.

In the Middleboro Physician Care Services, Inc. case, you are asked to examine the operations of an ambulatory, non-emergent care clinic which treats private and occupational health patients and provides services which do not include continuing or specialized medical care. Physician Care Services, Inc. is currently facing a number of challenges and opportunities which will impact their profitability.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Read Case 3: Physician Care Services, Inc., including Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Review the issues that surround provider productivity, to evaluate whether the organization can be successful in the new era of health care reform.

The Assignment:

In 2–3 pages, describe the metric(s) you will use to evaluate the organization’s productivity. Explain how you will use the metric in evaluating productivity, and how the data will help measure the potential of the organization’s success in the new era of health care reform.

Note: You will use the metric in the Week 6 Assignment.

Assignment: Productivity Recommendations (WEEK 6

Last week, you familiarized yourself with the Physician Care Services, Inc. case and selected metrics that would help you to evaluate the organization’s productivity, with an eye to determining whether they could be successful in the current environment of health care reform. Based on your conclusions, you will have at least identified one or two areas of need which could benefit from change.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review Case 3: Physician Care Services, Inc. from Week 5, and the Assignment you submitted at the end of that week.

Now, you will develop recommendations to improve productivity and patient satisfaction. Consider what you know of Lean Management and Six Sigma principles and practices. Based on this understanding, ask yourself: What would the president and medical director want to know before making any financial and organizational decisions?

The Assignment:

  1. Based on the metrics you selected in Week 5, analyze opportunities for improvement using Lean Management and Six Sigma principles (2 pages).
  2. Develop five measurable stretch goals (2 pages).
  3. Create a presentation with speaker notes, 5–7 slides in length (200–400 words per slide), that defines a culture of accountability and quality excellence and recommends how to foster this in the emergency department.

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