understanding of Texas politics in relation to a question of federalism and a question of privacy.

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1) Assess the spirit of federalism by examining the exercise of Texas state authority over local fracking regulations or sanctuary cities or plastic shopping bag bans or ride-sharing restrictions (choose one these issues, not all three).

•For information about the role of local governments in Texas, especially home-rule cities that legislate in these areas, go to https://www.tml.org/Handbook-M&C/Chapter1.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use the Texas Tribune (texastribune.org (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) to look for background information about the topic you are interested in (again, choose one: local fracking regulations or sanctuary cities or plastic shopping bag bans or ride-sharing restrictions).


2) Assess the spirit of the Texas Constitution by examining the Texas Bill of Rights in its relation to legislative efforts to limit abortion providers or defunding Planned Parenthood or limiting public restroom use (choose one these issues, not all three).

•Explore the Texas Bill of Rights here: http://law.justia.com/constitution/texas/articles/cn000100.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use the Texas Tribune (texastribune.org (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) to look for background information about the topic you are interested in (again, choose one: legislative efforts to limit abortion providers or defunding Planned Parenthood orlimiting public restroom use).


Your essay must include responses to the following:

•A brief description of your topics and what your research found out about them.

◦Paragraph 1 - Texas state authority over your choice of local policy

◦Paragraph 2 - Texas Bill of Rights and your privacy issue

•Is the Texas government’s recent effort to make policy in your chosen areas in keeping with the spirit of federalism and the spirit of the Texas Constitution?

◦Paragraph 3 - The spirit of federalism (state v. local control)

◦Paragraph 4 - The spirit of the Texas Bill of Rights (state authority over privacy rights)

•Is the Texas government solving a problem with its policy positions or are the positions on policies more political; i.e., designed to appeal to specific constituencies of voters?

◦Paragraph 5 - Respond with information about both policies you selected to examine

•What have you learned from doing this assignment?

◦Paragraph 6 - Be specific about what you have learned about federalism and state political power.

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Texas Politics
The house of the Republicans amended a law called “anti-sanctuary-law” that incensed
the rights of the Democrats and immigrants groups. Texas state authority like the police officers
and the Sheriffs and most major police chiefs responded negatively towards the ban of sanctuary
cities. They argued that by them getting involved, it will compel them to do federal immigration
enforcement which will have a bad effect on the state’s large immigrant community. However,
the law was still enacted and the police officers participated as the law gave them powers to
question detained persons to assess their immigration status.
Sanctuary cities issue has received a strong opposition from the government to the extent
of the enacting of a bill to condemn i...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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