Social Welfare: ​1996 Welfare Reform Act. Access Internet

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1996 Welfare Reform Act. Access Internet and read: “Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act”. Students will view Video on this topic. Answer the following question: Discuss the changes instituted in the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, focusing on the impact on service recipients and delivery systems (e.g. agencies).

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Running head: SOCIAL WELFARE


Social Reforms in 1996 Welfare Reform Act



Foremost, the changes instituted in the act are modification of Federal law that now
allows them to try out an employment opportunity, public services, and the search of jobs thus
earning benefits. Nonetheless, Ford Foundation starts evaluation process to offer an evaluation
result on a large scale which modifies the process of finding jobs by the recipients. In
conjunction with this, the evaluation policy, however, promotes the campaigns both for
presidential and governors seats in the United States.
Secondly, the change leads to the shifting management of Federal power to Local levels
which were setting the timelines and objectives of the agencies. In addition to this, the purpose of
the reform...

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