Escape Fire

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Part A:Organization and requirements

  • No Late Assignments will be accepted
  • Watch the movie “Escape Fire” available in the Library
  • Take notes on the movie because in addition to answering the questions below, there will be questions on a future quiz on this movie
  • Follow directions!
  • Respond to the questions below from the perspective that is required for each question.Read the questions carefully!
  • Write out each question and prepare a response for each question.
  • Although you might watch the movie with classmates or your group.You must submit your own responses to the questions.
  • Format for paper (adherence to guidelines count for a significant amount in the homework assignment)
    • Cover page (Title of the case; your name; date)
    • Body of paper:
      • Answer questions #1-6
      • Each question should be typed out followed by a response to that question
    • Please provide a thoughtful narrative with appropriate references to specific situations, people or dialogue from the movie.
    • Appropriate APA 6.0 format for in text citations, as needed
    • Reference page using APA 6.0 format (included in rubric under adherence to guidelines)
  • Double space your paper
  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font and 1inch margin.

Part B: Specific questions (Each question is worth 20 points)

  • Define what “Escape Fire” means in the context of the movie and the importance in preparing you to be a health care manager.Provide specific examples.
  • How would you, as the health care administrator, address the issues of decreased revenue faced by Dr. Martin and the other physicians in the group practice?
  • Describe why this movie was important for patients with diabetes. As a health care manager, what could you have done to help these patients?Provide specific examples.
  • As a health care manager, how can you apply at least 2 of our 6 key management functions (class logo) to improve the health care system’s ability to respond to the opioid crisis.Link to specific examples from the movie.
  • Provide the name of the type of health care facility you are working on for your class group project (i.e. hospital; long-term care facility; group practice; or oncology specialty practice). From the movie, identify and describe in detail at least 3 ways you can use information and lessons learned from the movie to help you make your specific health care entity healthy. Do not use the opioid crisis or diabetes as an example again!
  • Is this movie relevant today?Defend your answer based on specifics from the movie; changes in health care policies; and other knowledge that you have from specific classes.Be sure to use appropriate in text citations to support your argument.Also, be sure to add all references to your reference page using APA 6.0 format.

HOMEWORK #3 “Escape Fire” RUBRIC (150 points)

A level

B level

C level

D level

  • Adherence to guidelines (assignment requirements) and citations
  • Writing, organization, and proofreading
  • Content for questions 1-6 (20 points each)

Thorough and accurate adherence to guidelines; responds to all guidelines; includes all mandatory elements for the assignment; proper citations and complete; correct and placed correctly in text. (15 pts)

Majority of work displays accurate adherence to guidelines; responds to most guidelines; includes majority of mandatory elements; majority of citations complete, correct and placed correctly in text. (12 pts)

Some evidence of adherence to guidelines; some presence of mandatory elements; numerous incomplete citations, incorrect and placed incorrectly in text. (10.5 pts)

Insufficient adherence to guidelines; omits numerous mandatory elements; fails to respond to critical guidelines for content; if evidence offered, poorly cited in terms of completeness, accuracy and placement in text. (9 pts)

Wide variety of sentence structures; excellent word usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; clear evidence of proofreading. (15 pts)

Good sentence variety; adequate use of wording, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; good evidence of proofreading. (12 pts)

Inconsistent sentence variety; often inadequate in wording, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; weak evidence of proofreading. (10.5 pts)

Writing lacks sentence variety; significant deficiencies in wording, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; lacks evidence of proofreading.(9 pts)

Thorough, specific, accurate responses to questions demonstrating critical thinking and use of principles discussed in the text and lectures; evidence to support responses. (120 pts)

Good discussion and responses to questions; demonstrating critical thinking and use of principles discussed in the text and lecture; with evidence of sources used to support responses. (96 pts)

Weak responses to questions and discussion; weak evidence of critical thinking with insufficient evidence of sources used to support responses. (84 pts)

Discussion and responses to questions do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts; lacks critical thinking and no evidence of source consulted to support responses. (72 pts)

Grades and point ranges:A: 135-150 pointsB: 120-134 pointsC: 105-119 points D: 90-104 pointsF: 0-89 points

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: ESCAPE FIRE


Escape Fire


Escape Fire

Define what “Escape Fire” means in the context of the movie and the importance in
preparing you to be a health care manager. Provide specific examples.
Escape Fire is a film on the flaws that are in the healthcare system in the United States.
These flaws are brought to attention by the directors Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke in
conjunction with other medical experts who share their experiences and the deficiencies that they
face in the industry. Primarily, the film highlights the system’s inadequacies such as the
understaffing which makes physician to inadequate time with the patients. Further, issues such as
the approach to treatment where the focus is mainly to prescribe medicine without a holistic
approach to the patient’s health are outlined. The status quo of the healthcare system is
highlighted where the system is focused on profits rather than the patients. The spending of the
American people on healthcare is also discussed in the film to highlight how the system is
making money with the view of care from a productivity point of view.
Escape fire is about getting away from the faulty system and establishing a more effective
system based on focusing on the health of the public rather than “the management of diseases as
Dr. Andrew Weil calls it” (Heineman and Froemke, 2012). The terms “escape fire,” therefore,
are a way of sensitization where the public is made aware of the faulty system and how it works.
It outlines the inadequacies using stories from patients and physicians alike. For instance, the
story on the use of pills in the military brings to attention the social discussion of the link
between opioid use and the suicide cases in the defense forces. Essentially, real-life stories of
people who took up to 64 pills a day because they were prescribed to them bring to life the
problems experienced by different people in the healthcare system.



Furthermore, the movie focuses on innovative means of changing the approach in the
system. Therefore, other than complaining about the current system and focusing on what it does
wrong, the physicians featured in the film voice their propositions. For instance, Dr. Weil
presents his program where he sensitizes physicians on different approaches to the healthcare
system and what could be effective in dealing with different situations. Essentially, the terms
‘escape fire’ show how there is an urgent need to move away from the current system that
involves too much spending on the management of diseases through prescriptions and into
another system that cares for the patients and provides adequate health management.
How would you, as the health care administrator, address the issues of decreased revenue
faced by Dr. Martin and the other physicians in the group practice?
Healthcare administration faces difficulties in balancing between care and the costs to
ensure sustainability. In the case of the group practice involving Dr. Erin Martin, the same
dilemma is experienced whereby government cuts may force the clinicians to reduce the time
they spend with their patients and focus on the productivity which literally returns their practice
to the general ‘fire’ that they tried to escape by establishing it. Therefore, these constraints may
provide a challenge of financing the practice and take away the essence of forming a group
practice that is different from the rest of the system which appears faulty and broken. To address
this problem, one could increase the charges for the patients and design interventions that allow
cost containment in the system.
The first step would be to initiate a pay-out-of-pocket initiative to cost share with the
medical insurance costs. A pay-out-of-pocket approach is an approach whereby patients would
be given a ceiling on spending in their insurance while the rest would be paid out of their
pockets. Essentially, according to Baicker and Goldman (2011), the money is readily available



for the healthcare practitioners to put to use. It would reduce the long waiting for reimbursements
but support Dr. Martin’s practice in the way the physicians designed it to be. However, in
implementing this policy, ethical considerations must be put into place. First, the setting of the
costs that the patients would be paying per visit would require regulation and the attention of
healthcare regulators to ensure ethical practice. Further, the affordability of care would be
checked to ensure that the patients get the best care at affordable rates. The out-of-pocket
payments would be the trade-off for patient-focused quality care provided by the practice.
The holistic approach to healthcare by Dr. Erin Martin and her colleagues allowed them
to focus on the patients rather than the system. However, with documentaries like the film
created on the practice, the healthcare manager can establish a system of support that allows the
practice to continue efficiently even with the reduced government funding. First, one could
integrate more partners who invest in the healthcare practice and boost its revenue. The catch,
here, is the fact that some of the investors may be focused on the financial returns and therefore,
may pressure the practitioners to increase their productivity. The best way to bring people who
care about healthcare onboard is to create a trust fund where the practitioners can use the money
to boost the practice.
Describe why this movie was important for patients with diabetes. As a health care
manager, what could you have done to help these patients? Provide specific examples.
Healthcare management for people with chronic illnesses requires a holistic approach
whereby the health of the patient is monitored and managed appropriately as opposed to
managing only the disease. This is especially true for patients with diabetes who need continued
care whereby they can access alternative sources of care other than the prescription pills that
merely control their blood glucose. For a patient with diabetes, the illness is a lifestyle illness and



it does not stop at taking insulin or pills that regulate the blood glucose as seen in the system of
healthcare that exists in the U.S today. Therefore, the film is extremely important for such
patients because it addresses the fundamental issues that these patients face on a daily basis.
First and foremost, the film speaks about p...

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