This discussion board is intended to help you learn about Spain.
This assignment fulfills/supports
- Module Outcome [outcome number]: You will have learned about Spain.
- Course Outcome: You will have demonstrated some knowledge of Hispanic civilization and culture
- General Education Competency you will have created a brief composition in English.
For this assignment, you will need external sources. You have a wide variety of choices in what sources you use: books, magazines, documentaries, etc. Most of you will probably choose to use websites, and that is fine. You may NOT use Wikipedia. Regardless of the sources you choose, you must remember two things if you wish to receive credit: you must cite all sources (MLA style, minimum 2), and you must paraphrase everything you write. If you copy and paste, you will not receive credit, even if you have correctly cited your source. (Remember that the purpose of this activity is to learn something about Spain, not to test your ability to use Google and CTRL+C.)
Specific websites which you may find helpful include:
The Prompt
Examine the two websites listed above, but please do not limit yourself to those two. What have you discovered about Spain, its history, culture, traditions, etc. How is the country similar to the US, and how different? Make sure not to focus on just information about Spain. Pick two or three topics that you found interesting and discuss them. If only factoids are listed that all students have access to, no credit will be granted.
Explanation & Answer
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Professor Name
Spain: Discussion Board
Spain is a European nation with a unique and rich historical background. The region is
known for conquering different religions and regions, such as Muslims. Following Christopher
Columbus’ discovery of the Americans, Spain became a more prosperous and powerful
European nation. Its loss throughout the Napoleonic Wars led to the death of thousands of
people. The Spanish Civil War of the 1930s led to additional deaths and subsequent political
stability (“Spain”). In terms of culture, most Spaniards are Christians,...