I am involved with different groups at work and my personal life. The group that I would like to focus on is a leadership group that I am involved in at my church. We have just formed the group about a month ago and are in the norming phase moving into performing.
The forming stage was somewhat difficult phase because we had to start from scratch. According to (mind tools, 2018), people are anxious and do not fully understand work lies ahead for the team member. I can relate to this, I was asked to join the group but little apprehensive about it because I did not know exactly what the duties were within the group. As the group came together and we met other members of the group, more knowledge became available about what are duties were within the group and got to know others within the group. Storming came next, but not as you might think. We did not have any arguing or conflict with in the group, we each had a specific role and just had to decide together how to accomplish those roles.
As we start performing, there are still many questions that are coming up as we define our roles and trying to accomplish are task as individuals. Using electronic resources can streamline processes and make workflow more accurate. Email, texting, cloud services and apps can make communication so much easier. As we come together there is a defined leader and as a group we have to work together to be organized. The biggest key to be an effective group is communication, the team must talk to each other and let one another what is going on and what is being planned. The potential for miscommunication is much greater when team members do not meet face-to face and must rely on electronic technologies to communicate (Dyer, W. & Dyer, J., 2013).

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Response to a group dynamics Discussion post
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Response to a group dynamics Discussion post
Your discussion presents very relevant information on group dynamics, and I am very
impressed on how you have presented the stages of group formation. You have clearly indicated
that There are four stages of g...