1. Review one article pertaining to customer trends in the food service industry. 2. Review one article pertaining to green and sustainable practices in the food service industry

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Business Finance


1.SUMMARY: Write a 100-word summary of the article.

PLUS answer the following questions!!

2.WHAT I FIND MOST INTRIGUING: What is it about the topic that intrigues you the most?

3.MAIN PREMISE: Pick the statement that best describes the main premise of the article; include the statement and your explanation of the statement.

4.TWO STATEMENTS THAT AGREE / DISAGREE WITH TEXT: Pick two statements in the article that either agrees or disagrees with the textbook or that we have discussed in class. Include the statements and your explanation of them.

5.THE STATEMENT I LEARNED THE MOST FROM: Pick the statement in the article that you feel you have learned the most. Include the statement and your explanation.

6.HOW I WILL USE THE INFORMATION IN MY JOB: Explain how you will utilize the material from the article on your job in the food service industry.

Refer to the file attached and follow the instructions.

Thank You

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HA 240 Article Review Assignment Due Date : Listed on the Course Outline Please submit in the Course Assignment Section of the course Papers not submitted on BBLEARN will receive a 10pt reduction, 10 points off for each day it is late The assignment is worth 30 points Article Review Assignment: For FULL credit, you need to complete both of the topics below for article reviews 1. Review one article pertaining to customer trends in the food service industry. 2. Review one article pertaining to green and sustainable practices in the food service industry For full credit, you are required to review a TOTAL of 2 Articles, and answer the following questions for EACH article. PLUS- Fill out / and sign the APA checklist attached to the assignment Use the following review criteria for EACH of your article reviews; 1. SUMMARY: Write a 100-word summary of the article. PLUS answer the following questions!! 2. WHAT I FIND MOST INTRIGUING: What is it about the topic that intrigues you the most? 3. MAIN PREMISE: Pick the statement that best describes the main premise of the article; include the statement and your explanation of the statement. 4. TWO STATEMENTS THAT AGREE / DISAGREE WITH TEXT: Pick two statements in the article that either agrees or disagrees with the textbook or that we have discussed in class. Include the statements and your explanation of them. 5. THE STATEMENT I LEARNED THE MOST FROM: Pick the statement in the article that you feel you have learned the most. Include the statement and your explanation. 6. HOW I WILL USE THE INFORMATION IN MY JOB: Explain how you will utilize the material from the article on your job in the food service industry. • • • • • • • Assignment in an individual project, It must be typed, using APA Format, failure to use APA format will result in a grade reduction. Include the [filled out] APA format checklist with your assignment. Include your name, Sect 03, and a copy each of the articles. Label each section of the review, with the headings listed in the review criteria below, and complete the review in the order of the review criteria listed below. The better job you do by following the directions and submitting a complete assignment, the easier it will be for me to give you a good grade Be prepared to discuss your article review in class APA STYLE CHECKLIST FOR FULL CREDIT: This checklist MUST be attached to the back of your paper and all items checked off that apply FORMATTING THE PAPER (General Rules)  Use 1” margin around the paper unless directed otherwise.  Insert page number in the header in the upper right hand corner. All pages including title page include pages numbers.  Paper is Double-Spaced (DS) including references.  Font: Use 12 pt. Times New Roman or Helvetica.  All paragraphs should be indented .5 in. using the tab key  Paper is stapled (no clips, folders, not loose). APA checklist is attached. TITLE PAGE  In upper left-hand corner of the page header insert the Running head in the header.  Page number should be inserted on the far right of the header.  Title page has the entire title of paper centered (upper and lower case letters) halfway down the page.  Below paper title insert: 1) your name 2) school, 3) due date written out (Double-spaced [DS]) only. BODY OF PAPER (Basic Rules). Title is centered at top of 1st page of the report of text in upper/lower case. Paragraphs:  Each paragraph should be longer than a single sentence, but no longer than one page.  There is a strong introductory paragraph with a topic sentence leading into paper.  There is a closing paragraph sums up paper. Mechanics of Style:  Use only one space after punctuation.  When using quotes use quotation marks and cite page of text.  Use double quotation marks to enclose quotations in text. Use single quotation marks within double quotation marks to set off materials that in the original smyce were enclosed in double quotation marks  Hyphens have no spaces before or after.  (Use the symbol for % when preceded by a numeral. Use the word percentage when a number in not given. Ex. Jones (2003) stated 30% of the study showed low levels of understanding.  Use Past Voice  Acronyms, on first appearance, must be written completely and followed by parentheses. Use acronym after that.  Personal pronouns are used correctly (a person followed by "that" instead of "who" or “which”).  Numbers less than ten are written as words. Numbers at/ above 10 are written as a numbers unless starting a sentence  To form plurals of numbers, whether expressed as figures or as words, add s or es without an apostrophe. Decadessimply add an s. Citations: Use reliable sources. Wikipedia is not a reliable source!  Citations are correct in text and cited with an author-date citation system. If listed in paper, it must be in References.  The first time an article with two to five authors is cited all the authors’ last names are included. After that, use et al. The term et al. is not italicized and with a period after al. If there are six or more, list only the first author’s last name followed by et al.  When referencing a work with two or more authors, "and" is used in the text. Ex. Abiden, Jones, Smith and Elliott (1993) completed a literature review on the topic.) Ex. "&" is used in parentheses (e.g., "A literature review on the topic (Abiden, Jones, Smith & Elliott, 1993) revealed no change). FINAL POINTS  Use Spell (S) and Grammar Check (GC). Proof read, as S and GC do not catch all errors. Have several people read the paper.  The writing is clearly in own but other’s ideas are cited. Read and Sign I have reviewed the checklist to make sure my paper meets the guidelines for writing an APA paper. The paper I have presented is my own work with citations made to give credit to the sources I have used. I understand that not using APA on this paper, and that plagiarism will result in a grade reduction. Signature Date Print Name When you need to see examples or have another APA question you cannot find, use one of these resources. Google any question if unsure. • Owl at Purdue: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resmyce/560/01/ • APA Style.org: http://www.apastyle.org/pubmanual.html
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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW




Article 1: Consumer response to online grocery shopping by Michelle A. Morganosky and
Brenda J. Cude
The journal article published in 2000 explores in deep the current trend of customer’s
shopping for grocery online. The journal article examines the demand and use of online
platforms to shop for groceries in the United States. Data is gathered from various customers in
the market. As such, the research bases its conclusion on the first-hand information obtained
from the customers. According to the article, retailers in the market have resulted to use of online
services to improve their efficiency as well as meet the increased demand for groceries as well as
food items in the market. Customers have responded positively towards the use of online
shopping services in the industry and very much satisfied (Morganosky & Cude, 2000).
The topic of the journal article, “Consumer response to online grocery shopping” is a
very intriguing topic as it incorporates the use of the new technology in offering service to
customers in the market. Groceries in the market are bought by customers in person hence the
introduction of online shopping services for them rose the curiosity in me the most and this lead
to me exploring it.
Main Premises: Statement; “online grocery shopping services have the potential to fulfill
the goals o...

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