3.06 complete part three of graphic organizer

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I have attached my part 1 and 2, which is all we've done up to this point. If you could beef up the introduction and make it sound a little smarter that would be great. Thanks!


Using the topic you have chosen, you will add dialogue to your narrative essay using Part Three of the Narrative Organizer. Review the grading rubric to ensure that you have included all elements for this assignment.

  1. Review the added dialogue to your narrative essay and add it to Part Three of the Narrative Organizer before submitting your work.

Here are the topics:


What happened before the story in "The Cask of Amontillado?"



What happened after the story in "The Cask of Amontillado?"

  1. Review the added dialogue to your narrative essay and add it to Part Three of the Narrative Organizer before submitting your work.

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Aidan Oosterwijk Laurel Springs The Cask of Amontillado Beginning Middle End Montresor and Fortunato meet They go to Fortunato’s house Montresor latter becomes at a carnival event and and he beats Montresor for wealthy and drunk. become friends. being poor and drunk. Montresor becomes wealthy, Fortunato starts bullying While in hospital, he realizes but also drinks too much. Montresor, which makes him that he needs to stop drinking even drink more. One night he and get his life in order. drinks too much and he is taken to hospital. Montresor continues drinking Fortunato continues to pick on Montresor quits drinking, and his starts to disappear. Montresor, but Montresor takes charge of his life and he steps up to him and he vows is now in control of his wealth to take control of his life. and life. Montresor finally completely Now that Fortunato is out of Montresor realizes that sobers up, and he gets his life Montresor’s life, he continues Fortunato is the reason why together. with his drinking habit and he had started drinking at the loses all his money and first place and that is why his wealth. wealth was diminishing. Montresor seeks revenge Introduction A long time ago, there lived two men who seemed to have a very good relationship. The first man was Montresor and the other was fortunate. Montresor had a soft spot, but secretly he was gentle and kind. Everybody in the town saw him as nobody however. Fortunato was wealthy but also a bully to the less fortunate but he hid this side by being apologetic. These two gentlemen met at a carnival and they immediately clicked. The story tells about these two gentlemen and how their relationship was till the end. Work cited Poe, Edgar Allan. The cask of Amontillado. The Creative Company, 2008. Aidan Oosterwijk Laurel Springs The Cask of Amontillado Beginning Middle End Montresor and Fortunato meet They go to Fortunato’s house Montresor latter becomes at a carnival event and and he beats Montresor for wealthy and drunk. become friends. being poor and drunk. Montresor becomes wealthy, Fortunato starts bullying While in hospital, he realizes but also drinks too much. Montresor, which makes him that he needs to stop drinking even drink more. One night he and get his life in order. drinks too much and he is taken to hospital. Montresor continues drinking Fortunato continues to pick on Montresor quits drinking, and his starts to disappear. Montresor, but Montresor takes charge of his life and he steps up to him and he vows is now in control of his wealth to take control of his life. and life. Montresor finally completely Now that Fortunato is out of Montresor realizes that sobers up, and he gets his life Montresor’s life, he continues Fortunato is the reason why he together. with his drinking habit and had started drinking at the first loses all his money and place and that is why his wealth. wealth was diminishing. Montresor seeks revenge PART TWO Directions: Write the introduction for your narrative essay, following the guidelines you were taught. The introduction should be approximately 150-200 words in length and may include dialogue. A long time ago, there lived two men who seemed to have a very good relationship. The first man was Montresor and the other was fortunate. Montresor had a soft spot, but secretly he was gentle and kind. Everybody in the town saw him as nobody however. Fortunato was wealthy but also a bully to the less fortunate but he hid this side by being apologetic. These two gentlemen met at a carnival and they immediately clicked. The story tells about these two gentlemen and how their relationship was till the end. PART THREE Part Three Directions: Write the body of your narrative essay. This portion should be approximately 600-800 words in length and include dialogue and sensory details. Be sure to follow the tips and guidelines provided in the lessons. Part Four Directions: Choose one passage (200-250 words) of your narrative essay to rewrite, adding descriptive language and sensory details wherever possible. Highlight your revisions. Submissions without highlighting will be returned for revisions. Work cited Poe, Edgar Allan. The cask of Amontillado. The Creative Company, 2008.
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