Discuss how HRM activities enable organizations to become more competitive in their markets. Use an example of a well-known organization that had been successful (Apple as an example or any organization).

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Essay Question (850 words)

Using the human resource department for recruitment, training, development and retaining employees can give any organization a competitive advantage. Some organizations became very successful in their markets by establishing an employee centered culture.

Discuss how HRM activities enable organizations to become more competitive in their markets. Use an example of a well-known organization that had been successful. In your essay make sure to cover the following main points:

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Retention

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Human Resource Management and competitive advantage Essay Question (750 words) Using the human resource department for recruitment, training, development and retaining employees can give any organization a competitive advantage. Some organizations became very successful in their markets by establishing an employee centered culture. Discuss how HRM activities enable organizations to become more competitive in their markets. Use an example of a well-known organization that had been successful. In your essay make sure to cover the following main points: • Recruitment and selection • Training and development • Retention General instructions for students: TMA weight: 15% of total course grade. Plagiarism: It's imperative that you write your answer using your own words. Plagiarism will be penalized depending on its severity and according to Al Yamamah University plagiarism policy. Format: you are expected to write your answer in an essay format: introduction, body paragraph(s) and a conclusion. Failing to do so could result in the deduction of up to 5 marks from your total TMA mark. Word count: Your answers are expected to be within the specified word count. A 10% deviation from word count limit is acceptable. Not adhering to specified word count could result in the deduction of up to 5 marks of your total TMA mark.
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