Discussion Questions

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Attached are five different discussion questions. They should be answered and cited differently (one question per word document), and not together. Please save answers with question number and title to avoid confusion. Please no plagiarism of any kind. No use of Wikipedia. Please provide citations in the text that correspond to the Reference. Please strict use of APA writing style.... The use of text and reading is highly advised. I can increase more time if necessary. Price is firm.


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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (Minimum Of 500 Words for Each Question) Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1483317533 ISBN-10: 1483317536 Abrashoff, M. (2002). It's your ship: Management techniques from the best damn ship in the navy. (1st edition) NY: Warner Books. ISBN10: 0446529117 or ISBN13: 9780446529112. (Above Text for Question 1-2) 1. Transformational Leadership: Describe a leader, past or present, who you believe exemplifies a transformational leader. Explain your rationale and provide examples of that leader’s view of the organization, credibility and source of power, orientation to senior management, approach to opposition, communication pattern, and intention. 2. Leader-member exchange: Discuss an experience as a follower where you were either in the leader’s in-group or outgroup. Depending on the group you were in, what did you experience regarding communication with the leader, influence with the leader, decision-making within the team, responsibilities, etc.? What were your levels of motivation, satisfaction, and performance? 3. White Collar Crime What are some technological advances that have impacted both the frequency of white collar crimes and the ability of law enforcement to investigate these crimes? 4. Nigerian 419 How have technological advancements impacted fraudulent crimes such as the Nigerian 419 scheme? What changes or improvements do you foresee as necessary to regulate the proliferation of such crimes? Why do you think that Nigerian 419 schemes are so successful today? 5. Computer Virus Writers What is a computer virus? What are some reasons provided by the authors for explaining the motivations of individuals who write these programs? What do you believe has contributed to the spread of an extreme fear of computer viruses? Is that fear justified? Taylor, R., Fritsch, E., & Liederbach, J. & Holt, T. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. ISBN: 13:978-0-13-345890-9 (Above Text for Question 3-5)
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Computer Virus Writers



Computer Virus Writers

A computer virus is a malicious code designed by expert programmers with intentions of
interfering with normal functions of a computer systems, organizational information databases
and personal communication devices such as smartphones, tablets and secondary storage media
(Toxen, 2003). Just like flu, computer virus is designed to spread from one computer to another
altering the way a computer operates, inserting itself to a legitimate computer file and interfering
with the computer. Those who design computer viruses use social engineering deceptions and
explicit detailed understanding of security vulnerabilities of computer systems. Virus creato...

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