The Endocrine System

User Generated




  1. Define hormone.
  2. Describe paracrine communication.
  3. Identify four mechanisms of intercellular communication.
  4. How could you distinguish between a neural response and an endocrine response on the basis of response time and duration?
  5. How would the presence of a substance that inhibits the enzyme adenylate cyclase affect the activity of a hormone that produces its cellular effects by way of the second messenger cAMP?
  6. What primary factor determines each cell’s hormonal sensitivities?
  7. Identify the two lobes of the pituitary gland.
  8. If a person were dehydrated, how would the amount of ADH released by the posterior lobe change?

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Explanation & Answer


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1. Defining hormone:
This is the chemical messenger which is secreted one cell and moves along the
bloodstream to affect activities of other cells in different parts of the body.
2. Paracrine communication
It is the use of chemical messengers ...

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