Policy & data

User Generated



Harvard University


Hi there,

i have a short assignment regarding to Digit heaping, Does not need external resources or any coding

the assignment is simple just Write two paragraphs about how to use data forensics tools --- data visualization, statistical techniques to improve the operation of public utilities and charitable giving.

The first paragraph should focus on public utilities. In class, we discussed the example of the SEC and expansion of smart meters (internet of things) throughout the country. How can smart meters be used to improve outcomes? How can we use data forensics to investigate weaknesses or vulnerabilities in public infrastructure (e.g., blackouts, downed power transmission lines)? Investigate potential cases of misuse of electricity? How can we use the data from these meters to look for privacy or security violations? For more information, see this link: HERE

The second paragraph should focus on charitable giving. This could be domestic giving or foreign assistance; it is up to you. How might the tools we discussed this week be used to improve monitoring of how charitable resources are spent? To ensure that the resources are used well, accomplishing the goals of the funding agencies?

Thank you

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Explanation & Answer

Kindly see attached file

Forensic data tools
Forensic data tools have become essential in the research of nearly any time of crime in the
digital era. In this sense, these tools are useful when it comes to gathering, analyzing, and
preserving evidence. They also facilitate the identification of potential threats or victims or
even the identification of any existing underlying pattern that can assist forensic researchers in
the criminal investigation process. Let’s examine for instance the area of cybersecurity. In this
case, the forensic researcher may find data tools to be valuable techniques that allow him to
track any suspicious activity, examine electronic devices, or even recover any information that
the criminal had deleted from these devices. Forensic data tools are also useful when it comes
to investiga...

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