Essay someone to write it for me

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Moraine Valley Community College


it has to be one page and has to be introduced as a quote first could use whatever subject you would like need it done tonight

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CLASSIFICATION ESSAY COM090 Writing Assignment #6 Your essay should include an introduction that ends with a clear and effective thesis statement, which includes a classification principle, two body paragraphs with topic sentences and relevant supporting ideas, a conclusion paragraph, and appropriate transitions. Topic Choices: For your topic, you must choose from the list below: sower 1. Television shows 2. Sports Teams 3. Colleges 5. Video Games football 4. Dancing Feel free to use the pre-writing to start this assignment. As always, the purpose of your writing is to teach your readers something that they don't know. Therefore, look for an interesting or unfamiliar way to classify these common topics. Your job is to show two categories and show examples from each category. Essay Requirements: 1. Students must include an introduction that begins with one of the five attention getters from your notes. The introduction should end with your thesis (at least 4 sentences total). 2. The thesis should state topic plus main ideas (categories) and must be the last sentence of the introduction. 3. The body paragraphs should support the thesis with details, descriptions and examples. No outside research allowed. (6-8 sentences each) 4. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that states the main idea of that paragraph. 5. The conclusion must start with your thesis statement then it should use one of the four styles of conclusions from your notes. (4 sentences total) 6. Your paper should be free from errors in grammar and punctuation. Watch for fragments, run-ons, verb tense errors, comma errors, and improper word choice errors. 7. Proofread for your errors. Tutoring Center in L200 can help with proof reading. 8. Students must use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences but focus on using mainly compound or complex sentences. 9. 2-3 Transitions should be used in every paragraph. Paper Format: Your essay should consist of four paragraphs. Your paper must be typed double-spaced in MLA format. in your upper left-hand corner of the first page only, you need the following information:
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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