Hello there,
I'm having as assignment in R, it shouldn't be hard, and here is the instructions:
Modifying the code snippet (or writing original code), produce at least one figure which shows trends in age distributions for the same country across at least two time periods. You cannot use the US case as this is the one I used in our example. You can make multiple figures, each for one country, if you would like. Pay specific attention to the labels you give your figures (axis labels, legend labels). Excellent ideas from your colleagues in lecture included studying trends in neighboring countries, evaluating demographic shocks (displacement, baby booms, etc.).
Here is the example from today in the attachment
After compiling your figure, write a one paragraph interpreting the trends you observe. Do you find evidence of data inaccuracy? Do you find evidence of a major demographic shift in the population? Are there chunks of the data that appear missing? Were there any errors in the data?
Upload your files (code+figure+writing) or compile them together using a knit (preferred).
the work should be submitted by 11:30Pm New York time, it is 2 Pm afternoon now
thank you
Explanation & Answer
I'm uploading the .zip file containing the .Rmd and the knitt...