Data analysing

User Generated



Harvard University


Hello there,

I'm having as assignment in R, it shouldn't be hard, and here is the instructions:

they will be 7 questions down below, and I'll post the dataset

please make sure you analyze the data, No ChatGPT or any AI,

some questions need to data forensic, which is to find any missing or errors or uncorrelated data

Thank you

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Explanation & Answer

Sending the .pdf and the .zip with all the code and pictures. I believe the main goal of this activity was to realize that the first two digits of the category_code represents a business category. I made that clear on the code and on the comments.


Loading the dataframe
df %
summarise(total_businesses = n(), .groups = 'drop_last')
business_counts_pivot_by_code %
pivot_wider(names_from = category_code, values_from = total_businesses, values_fill = 0)
business_counts_filtered %
select(which(colSums(. > 30, na.rm = TRUE) == nrow(.)))
Comments: I realized that using the name of the category in the graph is creating issues in the legends,

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