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I have to write a history research paper my tois:

First World War Aftermath and the Production of Memory through Art

I need to find 5 sources 2 books and 3 articles I want you to find them for me and write bibliography

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Explanation & Answer


Production of Memory through Art
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Production of Memory through Art
Sherman, Daniel J. "Art, commerce, and the production of memory in France after World
War I." Commemorations: The politics of national identity 188 (1994).
In the article "Art, commerce, and the production of memory in France after World War
I." Daniel Sharman gives a clear insight into the aftermath of the World War I in France
and the attempts that the French leaders made in the conservation of the memory through
art. Sharman describes how tensions rose during the construction of various monuments
and other works of art that were intended to store the memories of the world war.
Sharman describes how the Fine Art Ministry in Paris played a pivotal role in stabling the
art that to date store the memories of a war that took the lives of many and that which had
a significant impact on the phase of the world. Sharman describes and gives more insight
on the dichotomy that existed between commerce and art or also between that which
existed between high and popular art in the country. Sherman reveals that or the French,
most of the monuments that were made after the war were not just artwork but symbols
and illustration of the loss of lives and properties that they had incurred.
Stout, Janis P. Coming Out of War: Poetry, Griev...

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